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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:33

Юго-западное побережье Доминиканы составит конкуренцию Пунта-Кане

Президент Доминиканской Республики Данило Медина отправится с визитом в Баия-де-лас-Агилас для встречи с крупнейшими в мире гостиничными сетями, чтобы обсудить строительство более 15 тысяч номеров в туристической зоне Педерналес. Встреча состоится в апреле 2017 года

«Представители крупнейших гостиничных гигантов встретятся с президентом Республики в Баия-де-лас-Агилас, чтобы обсудить возможность строительства 15 тысяч номеров в районе, которому предстоит стать активным туристическим центром страны», - сказал глава администрации президента Хосе Рамона Перальта, сообщили корреспонденту инфогруппы «ТУРПРОМ»в Министерстве туризма республики.

Отметим, что провинция Педерналес считается одним из туристических центров Доминиканы благодаря практически нетронутому природному богатству и разнообразию. Здесь расположен Национальный парк Харагуа (Parque Nacional Jaragua), где подавляющее большинство представленных видов флоры и фауны являются эндемичными для Доминиканской Республики. Развитие туризма в этой части юго-западного региона будет, в том числе, включать в себя строительство аэропорта и круизных портов.


Fri 24-03-2017 15:03 PM
Emirati Kalimat Group and French Publisher Gallimard collaborate to promote cultural exchange - Update

SHARJAH, 24th March, 2017 (WAM) -- As part of its long-term mission to build communication bridges between the Arabic language and other languages of the world, and to position UAE as a beacon for cross-cultural values, Kalimat Group has signed an MoU with leading French publisher Gallimard.

The agreement aims to cement Kalimat Group s role as an ambassador for literary arts, classic storytelling and inspirational diversity, not just for the emirate of Sharjah and the UAE, but for the entire Arab world.

Signed by Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, Founder and CEO of Kalimat Group and Hedwige Pasquet, President of Gallimard Jeuness, in the presence of Antoine Gallimard, President Gallimard House and Madrigall Group, and Tamer Said, Managing Director of Kalimat Group, the MoU is considered by the two parties as an invaluable stepping stone for Arabic and French readers to experience new genres and insights which have previously been closed to them because of language barriers.

The collaboration will see the companies exchanging the same number of books to be published each year, with Kalimat Group translating Gallimard s works into Arabic and Gallimard reciprocating by translating Kalimat Group's titles into French. Starting with 10 books from each publisher s list, the project will include books for children, young adult novels, fiction and comics.

Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi, Founder and CEO of Kalimat Publishing Group, said, "Since its inception, Kalimat Group has been keen to extend the reach of Arabic literature and culture through a commitment to enhancing cultural exchange and intellectual dialogue between nations. It has published a number of titles which encourage communication with others and has created strategic partnerships with a host of elite global publishing houses."

She noted that Gallimard s impeccable record of innovation in the field of international publishing will be instrumental in achieving Kalimat s vision, which aims to promote Arab culture globally and to forge new communication channels for cultural exchange by translating titles to and from Arabic and French.

Hedwige Pasquet, President of Gallimard Jeuness said, "The Editions Gallimard Jeunesse are carried by people sharing the same demanding ideal authors, illustrators, translators, designers and editors and the same ambition to put the best of imaginary, artistic creation and knowledge into the service of children and teenagers. This partnership with Kalimat will contribute to the reciprocal enrichment of our cultures through young readers, an essential investment to prepare the world of tomorrow."

The new partnership is the latest in a series of high level ventures and initiatives from Kalimat Group, which recently teamed up with Quatro, the global illustrated book publisher, and more recently Bloomsbury, the leading worldwide publishing house in similar agreements.

WAM/Hazem/Majok WAM/Hazem/Majok WAM 1436 2017/03/24 END

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:34

Dans une première chronique, on avait évoqué une cannibalisation éventuelle du travail de LP Company (Laurent Schlittler et Patrick Claudet) par une trop grande proximité avec la pléthorique exposition « Total Record , La grande aventure des pochettes de disques photographiques ».

Un deuxième passage à Arles confirme cette impression.
« LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground » est un projet particulièrement original et passionnant qui mérite qu’on lui accorde l’attention nécessaire.

LP Collection, albums emblématiques 02

L’exposition occupe une partie des espaces rénovés au premier étage de l’atelier des Forges. Le parcours enchaîne quatre espaces, séparés par d’élégantes cimaises noires ou blanches dont l’uniformité est rompue par des disques ou des portions de disques de teinte inverse. L’accrochage, la scénographie et l’éclairage simples et efficaces sont particulièrement réussis et au service de ce projet pas banal.

LP Company (Laurent Schlittler et Patrick Claudet)

En introduction, quelques textes et une vidéo racontent sommairement la rencontre de Laurent Schlittler et Patrick Claudet. Le premier est écrivain, le second scénariste. Ils partagent le même bureau et surtout une passion pour une musique underground de groupes obscurs qui ne diffusent leur travail que sous la forme de disques 33 tours (Long Play), autoproduits et aux pochettes généralement « bricolées ».

LP Collection, 45 albums emblématiques

Ces documents nous apprennent que de leur intérêt commun est née The LP Collection qui compterait actuellement 6 752 LPs. Quarante cinq albums emblématiques de cette collection sont présentés dans les premiers espaces, mais sous la forme de reproductions photographiques, en raison de la fragilité et de la rareté des pochettes originales.
On découvre que Laurent et Patrick ont rapidement commencé un travail de recherche documentaire à propos de ces groupes ignorés, et qu’ils ont publié chez l’éditeur Le Mot et le Reste, un ouvrage : « LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground ».

The LP Collection. Les trésors cachés de la musique underground

On lira dans le compte rendu de visite ci-dessous qu’à mesure que l’on progresse dans la découverte de cette exposition un doute s’installe à propos de cette collection…

Des « Albums emblématiques » jusqu’au « On dirait le Sud » en passant par les « Figures énigmatiques », ce qui apparaît d’abord comme évident, devient vraisemblable… puis peu à peu improbable. Progressivement, on perçoit qu’il y a quelque chose qui ne sonne pas « juste » dans cette musique underground, quand bien même, on nous propose, en fin de parcours, d’écouter quelques « reprises » de ces morceaux.
LP Collection, Figures énigmatiques
LP Collection, On dirait le Sud
LP Company - Un label musical

En effet, LP Collection est une collection de disques imaginaires. À partir de photos d’objets ou de journaux, Laurent et Patrick ont créé des pochettes de 30 cm, inventé des noms de groupes, produit des listes de morceaux et rédigé des chroniques sur ces artistes et leurs musiques sans qu’une seule note de musique n’existe et à fortiori n’ait été enregistrée.

Après avoir produit ainsi une cinquantaine d’albums, Laurent et Patrick ont demandé à des artistes réels de bien vouloir « reprendre » certains des titres du « catalogue »… Des disques ont alors été enregistrés et les morceaux sont jouée en public ! (à découvrir sur le site The LP Collection) Ils démontrent ainsi avec un humour décapant que « la fiction engendre de la réalité ou alors que la critique fait de la musique » !

Avec cette étonnante collection, les deux acolytes avouent parler d’eux-mêmes, mais aussi du monde qui les entoure.

LP Collection, albums emblématiques 03

L’exposition est un contre-point parfait, ou plutôt un formidable contre champ (chant) à Total Records. Elle offre des pistes très productives pour un regard critique de cette (trop) abondante exposition. Ce projet permet de mettre à distance les inévitables bouffées de nostalgie que provoquent ces 600 albums réels rassemblés par Total Records…

« LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground » est un projet original, un des plus réussi des ces Rencontre 2015 ! À ne pas manquer !
Lire ci-dessous notre compte rendu de visite.

Commissaire de l’exposition : Sam Stourdzé.
Publication : « The LP Collection. Les trésors cachés de la musique underground », Le Mot et le reste, 2014

En savoir plus :
Sur le site des Rencontres de la photographie
Sur le site de The LP Company
Sur le site The LP Collection
Sur la page Facebook de The LP Company
Suivre The LP Company sur Twitter

Compte rendu de visite
Une approche documentaire et 45 albums emblématiques

En introduction, quelques textes et une vidéo racontent sommairement la rencontre de Laurent et Patrick. Une partie du travail de recherche et ils ont entrepris pour documenter ces groupes mystérieux est présenté dans plusieurs vitrines qui occupent surtout les deux premiers espaces…
LP Collection, approche documentaire 01
LP Collection, approche documentaire 02
LP Collection, approche documentaire - page du blog politique d’un conseiller communal de Lausanne
LP Collection, approche documentaire - Hôtellerie et Gastronomie
LP Collection, approche documentaire - Seafood & Co

Dans l’une, on y trouve des notes sur feuilles volantes, carnets et calepins et un étrange schéma sur ce qui semble être une serviette en papier. Un peu plus loin, dans un ensemble hétéroclite, on découvre un dessin d’enfant, un exemplaire d’une revue professionnelle (« Hôtellerie et Gastronomie »), un mystérieux magazine « Seafood & Co » ou encore l’impression d’une page du blog politique d’un conseiller communal de Lausanne…
LP Collection, Johnny Staco, Neferticat, 2009
LP Collection, The Campbell Family, Picture of a desolated Mind, 2009
LP Collection, Kaboulies, ÜberFast, 2002

Rapidement, on retrouve, parmi les pochettes reproduites, la sardine du « Seafood & Co » sur l’album de The Campbell Family « Picture of a desolated Mind ». Un peu plus loin, c’est une partie de la photo du transatlantique qui faisait la une d’ «Hôtellerie et Gastronomie » qui illustre l’album « ÜberFast » des Kaboulies. La photo surchargée (dent et pupilles noircies, cernes sous les yeux) du blog est utilisée pour la pochette de « Nefertica » de Johnny Staco !
LP Collection, Katalov,Radiatormania, 2012
LP Collection, approche documentaire 03
LP Collection, approche documentaire 04

Ces « découvertes » se poursuivent dans le deuxième espace… Avec un peu d’attention, on retrouve les objets des deux vitrines par exemple sur les pochettes de Gollung (la bougie), de C.O.P.T. (Morceau de bois), de The Belly Dancers (Balayette)… Un détail du blouson de cuir suspendu sur un cimaise illustre le disque du grouep O’Gonzo.
LP Collection, approche documentaire 05
LP Collection, approche documentaire 06
LP Collection, 6 albums emblématiques
LP Collection, approche documentaire 07
LP Collection, approche documentaire 08
LP Collection, O’Gonzo, Vigorous Kids, 2007

Sur un banc, un exemplaire de l’ouvrage, publié chez Le Mot et le Reste, est disponible… On peut y consulter les critiques averties de ces albums.
The LP Collection. Les trésors cachés de la musique underground
The LP Collection. Les trésors cachés de la musique underground 01

Ainsi, lit-on à propos du « Nefretica » de Johnny Staco :
« On pense à Peaches, la diva trash de Montréal. Même brouillage des codes, même sexualité outrée, même décalage dans la grossierté pour ce natif de Wichita dans l’Etat du Kansas. Johnny Staco (Germaine Tool à la ville), crooner salace, assène son eurodance qui pourrait se résumer à une scie même pas dansante à force de beats martiaux archirebattus. Or l’originalité du gandin tient dans sa manière ultragonflée de parer le genre pauvre des oripeaux de la grande classe, plus prosaïquement «de le soumettre comme femme au doigté magique du Staco». Perles de glockenspiel, colliers de harpe, parures de violons puissamment réverbés. L’enluminure est osée, somptueuse pourtant dans la profondeur de champ ainsi créée, perverse aussi dans sa manière d’humilier la boîte à rythmes et son décor de boîte échangiste de province. Johnny Staco, dent en or et impeccable costume trois-pièces, a beau jeu de célébrer l’amour et le sexe (…)»

Néanmoins, cette démonstration documentaire finit par intriguer. Peu à peu le doute s’installe sur la réalité de cette musique et sur la nature de cette collection…
« Figures énigmatiques » et « On dirait le Sud »

Le troisième espace présente une sélection d’autres albums de la collection autour de deux thèmes « Figures énigmatiques » et « On dirait le Sud »…
LP Company, « LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground - Figures énigmatiques », Rencontres 2015, Arles
LP Company, « LP Collection, les trésors cachés de la musique underground – Figures énigmatiques », Rencontres 2015, Arles

Pour la première série, une vingtaine d’albums sont regroupés autour de pochettes sur lesquelles les « visages se dérobent et les identités [sont] floues »… La référence au bébé nageur du « Nervermind » de Nirvana est clairement formulée.
L’accrochage reproduit le même protocole pour chaque album. La pochette du disque est accompagnée de la photographie originale et d’un texte où les musiciens répondent aux questions « qui est sur la pochette ? » et « dans quelles circonstances la photographie a-t-elle été prise ? »
LP Collection, Dark Matter, Forever ago, 2013
LP Collection, Dark Matter, Forever ago, 2013
LP Collection, Dark Matter, Forever ago, 2013

Anecdotique à souhait, l’ensemble est amusant, intriguant plus rarement sarcastique ou humoristique. On reste stupéfait ou ne pas dire incrédule devant un tel travail de recherche documentaire et surpris par une collaboration aussi parfaite des musiciens…
LP Collection, On dirait le Sud 01
LP Collection, On dirait le Sud 02
LP Collection, On dirait le Sud 03

Pour « On dirait le Sud », la proposition est construite à partir de la chanson de Nino Ferrer « Le Sud », paru en 1975. Le texte de salle précise : « Suivant leur intuition, Laurent et Patrick ont entrepris une recherche systématique d’albums parus en 1975 et dont l’imagerie et les thématiques puisaient de manière claire ou oblique au Sud de la France comme pays de cocagne et terre d’inspiration ». La suite de ce texte renvoie au contexte économique, politique et culturel du milieu des années 70. Il est impossible de pas y percevoir espièglerie ou ironie…

Le doute n’est pratiquement plus permis, cette collection est très certainement un faux !
« LP Company : un label musical »

Le dernier espace « LP Company : un label musical » confirme paradoxalement mesure cette idée de collection imaginaire. Il propose l’écoute de réels morceaux de musique édités par LP Company, accompagnés de la diffusion de vidéoclips…
LP Company - Un label musical
LP Company - Un label musical 02
LP Company - Un label musical 03

Toutefois, ce ne sont que des « reprises » des titres originaux et imaginaires de la collection !
Un extraordinaire pied-de-nez ! « La fiction engendre de la réalité… La critique fait de la musique ». Mais n’est ce pas le propre de l’art et du collectionneur, du commissaire et du critique ?

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:36

Douce Génération Goldman que ce trash métal dédié aux nostalgique de WWF... Nous voilà donc dans ce siècle adolescent qui se revendique lâ.

BloodSpot. Volcano... Chant du coq de Haute et Basse Cour... Yanis … via @youtube

(nom féminin, subst. féminin)

Définition(s) disponible(s) :

Définition du mot « espérance » par l’Académie Française (édition de 1986).
Signification du terme « espérance », parution de 1932, dictionnaire académique Français.
Ancienne définition de l’Académie Française (édition de 1835) pour le mot « espérance ».
Ancienne signification développée en 1798 par l’académie Française (ACAD - 1798).

Droit de suite
Justice : gare aux burn out
Diffusée le 20/03/2017
Dominique PERBEN

Invités :

- Danièle Alet, Réalisatrice du documentaire : « Sois juge et tais-toi »
- Dominique Perben, ancien ministre de la Justice (2002-2005)
- Pierre Januel, Porte-parole du ministère de la Justice
- Pascale Loué-Williaume, membre du bureau de l'Union syndicale des magistrats

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:41

Justice et politique. Débat avec J.Coulon (USM), P.BILGER, D. VERDEIHAN, V.LECOQ et S.OBADIA … via @Dailymotion

Sénat‏Compte certifié @Senat 17 hil y a 17 heures
Mardi 29/03, la #MIDémocratie poursuit ses auditions. Vous avez encore jusqu'au 31 mars pour donner votre avis !

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:43

ITBM LATIN AMERICA 2017 (Mexico) - Organisation d'événements - Marketing - Vente - Tourisme - Voyages. Y'becca. TAY …

EBS - EXPO BEAUTY SHOW MEXICO 2017 (Mexico) - Beauté et soins personnels - Parfums -Cosmétiques -Fitness -Bien-être …

EXPO CAFÉ 2017 (Mexico) - Café, thé et chocolat - Agro-alimentaire …

ISSA INTERCLEAN LATIN AMERICA 2017 (Mexico) - Nettoyage industriel et maintenance - Bâtiment et construction …

#WCQ‏Compte certifié @FIFAWorldCup 18 hil y a 18 heures
5⃣ goals in a single game - his last for

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:45

President Trump, Be Wary of a Mexican Backlash
Read more at:

by José Cárdenas January 25, 2017 12:00 PM @JoseCardenasUSA A Hugo Chávez wannabe is running for president and riding an anti-Trump wave south of the border. After months of controversy, senior administration officials will finally sit down this week with their Mexican counterparts to begin discussing President Trump’s campaign pledges to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), impose tariffs on Mexican imports to discourage relocation of U.S. factory jobs, and force Mexico to pay for a wall along the nearly 2,000-mile-long U.S.–Mexico border. To say the stakes are high would be an understatement. Yet the real challenge for Trump’s negotiating team may be not so much to accomplish those objectives as to keep the U.S.–Mexico relationship from flying off the rails and crashing in a heap of acrimony and recrimination. As it now stands, the Trump administration risks provoking a Mexican populist backlash that could result in an anti-American government led by a Hugo Chávez wannabe taking power in 2018, an outcome that could adversely affect U.S. prosperity and security for years to come. Unsurprisingly, the manner in which candidate Trump has discussed Mexico has had its costs. There has been widespread angst and anger among the Mexican people, who resented being used as a whipping boy in the U.S. presidential campaign and feel betrayed after overcoming decades of skepticism toward the U.S. and working to entwine our economies and deepen cooperation on a range of issues, including security and counter-narcotics operations. This uncertainty about the future of U.S.–Mexico relations also could not come at a worse time for the Mexican economy. The drop in international oil prices is sending the economy into a tailspin. According to a report this month by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, President [Enrique] Peña Nieto has enacted wide-ranging reforms in key industries — such as oil, communications, and finance — as well as education in an effort to enhance Mexico’s competitiveness, but growth has not increased significantly so far, and public support has soured amid corruption allegations, persistent violence, a weakening peso, and domestic crises such as the disappearance of 43 students at a demonstration in 2014. As a result of the drop in oil prices and production, Mexico has lost about 5 percent of its GDP. Public debt as a percentage of GDP continues to rise, while foreign investment has been effectively frozen amid the uncertainty. The value of the peso is now at its lowest levels in decades and continues to be hammered by speculators after every Trump tweet mentioning the country. Earlier this month, riots and looting erupted after Peña Nieto’s broke his pledge not to cut subsidies for gasoline and prices at the pump rose as much as 20 percent in some places. Buffeted by the poor economy, corruption scandals, and persistent violence, Peña Nieto has suffered at the polls. His approval rating has fallen to 12 percent this month, down from 24 percent in January, and is now one of the lowest for a Mexican president ever. Moreover, an overwhelming 80 percent expect an economic crisis and declining investment over the course of Trump’s presidency. López Obrador’s strident rhetoric, appeals to nationalism, and rejection of politics as usual in Mexico may represent just the kind of leadership that Mexicans want to confront the Trump phenomenon. Economic trouble in our southern neighbor should be on the radar screen of any U.S. president, but what makes the current situation that much more dangerous is that the person who stands to gain most from the turmoil is Mexican opposition politician André Manuel López Obrador, a left-wing populist rabble-rouser in the mold of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. López Obrador is running for the Mexican presidency (for the third time) in 2018. In the past, AMLO, as he is known, has tested the patience of Mexicans with his demagoguery and penchant for mobilizing people in the streets, disrupting daily life. However, his strident rhetoric, appeals to nationalism, and rejection of politics as usual in Mexico may represent just the kind of leadership that Mexicans want to confront the Trump phenomenon. Over the course of the past year, AMLO’s approval numbers have been steadily improving. A recent poll showed 27 percent of Mexicans supporting his National Regeneration Movement, against the rightist National Action party, with 24 percent, and Peña Nieto’s PRI (Institutional Revolutionary party), with 17 percent. Last week, AMLO announced a tour of major U.S. cities in February. “Enough of being passive,” he said. “We should put a national emergency plan in place to face the damage and reverse the protectionist policies of Donald Trump.” An unfriendly government on our southern border could significantly complicate issues important to the U.S., on everything from border security, counterterrorism, and drug-war cooperation to deportations and restricting Central American migration — the main source of illegal border crossings — bound for the U.S. Continuing economic hardship, the likely result of AMLO’s state-centric approach, would also likely revive outward-migration pressures from Mexico to the United States, which have abated in recent years. Reviewing NAFTA, developing an immigration policy that truly serves the national interest, and improving border security in the age of terror are certainly legitimate objectives. And President Trump is right to set them as priorities. But respectful, firm engagement — not confrontation — with our southern neighbors will be the surest way for President Trump to achieve those objectives. — José Cárdenas served in senior foreign-policy positions at the State Department, the National Security Council, and the U.S. Agency for International Development during the George W. Bush administration, focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Read more at:

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:47

Publié le 31-05-2016 • Modifié le 05-06-2016 à 04:21
Elections locales au Mexique: un baromètre avant la présidentielle de 2018
par Patrick John Buffe

Dimanche 5 juin, il y a des élections locales dans 14 Etats du Mexique. Le tiers de l'électorat est appelé aux urnes. Dans douze de ces Etats, les Mexicains vont devoir élire leur nouveau gouverneur, en plus des maires et des députés locaux. Ces élections constitueront un baromètre au niveau national pour le scrutin présidentiel de 2018.

De notre correspondant à Mexico, Patrick John Buffe

Ces élections locales doivent permettre de savoir comment vont se positionner les principaux partis sur l’échiquier politique. A commencer par le PRI, le Parti révolutionnaire institutionnel du président Peña Nieto. Ce parti gouverne actuellement neuf des Etats où auront lieu ces élections. Pour le PRI, l’enjeu est donc de conserver le pouvoir dans ses bastions. Et surtout dans cinq d’entre eux qui n’ont jamais connu d’alternance, puisqu’ils ont, depuis toujours, été gouvernés par le PRI, comme c’est le cas de Veracruz et de Tamaulipas !

Dernières élections avant 2018

Il sera aussi intéressant de voir quelle force a acquise le nouveau parti de gauche Morena, de l’ex-candidat présidentiel Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. Le Mouvement de régénération nationale pourrait en effet déplacer le principal parti de gauche, le PRD, aujourd’hui en perte de vitesse.

Les élections de dimanche 5 juin vont constituer un baromètre au niveau national. Car ce sont les dernières élections avant la présidentielle de juillet 2018. Elles sont importantes en raison de leur poids électoral et du nombre d’Etats – douze au total - où sera renouvelé le poste de gouverneur. Des gouverneurs qui, au Mexique, continuent à jouer un rôle décisif pour orienter le vote lors d’une élection présidentielle.

Des campagnes électorales marquées ... par l'absence de débats

D’une manière générale, on a assisté à des campagnes dominées par le dénigrement et les insultes entre adversaires des différents partis. Les candidats ont recouru à l’espionnage téléphonique, se sont traités de tous les noms, ont accusé leurs opposants de corruption, d’enrichissement illicite ou même de liens avec des réseaux de pornographie infantile. Ces candidats ont ainsi démontré leur incapacité à débattre et à faire des propositions constructives.

Un climat d'insécurité

Comme c’était prévisible, les narcotrafiquants ont réussi à s’insérer dans le processus électoral. Et cela dans plusieurs Etats, comme Veracruz et surtout Tamaulipas. Dans cet Etat frontalier avec les Etats-Unis, une cinquantaine de candidats à des postes municipaux auraient été contraints de démissionner face aux pressions du crime organisé. D’autres ont renoncé à faire campagne dans certaines municipalités en raison de l’insécurité qui y règne. Autant dire que la violence et la criminalité qui touchent plusieurs Etats du nord du pays pourraient affecter le bon déroulement des élections de dimanche.


United States Army soldiers transported Iraqi detainees captured during Operation Steel Curtain in 2005. Credit Jehad Nga
What We’re Fighting For

Our acts of moral courage defend America as surely as any act of violence.

FEB. 10, 2017
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When his convoy was ambushed during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, First Lt. Brian Chontosh ordered his Humvee driver to head straight into the oncoming machine gun fire. They punched through, landing in a trench full of heavily armed Iraqi soldiers. Lieutenant Chontosh and his Marines leapt out and he ran down the trench firing away, dropping one enemy soldier after another. First his rifle jammed, then he ran out of ammunition, so he switched to his pistol. He shot it dry, reloaded, and shot it dry again. So he picked up an AK-47 from a dead Iraqi, fired that dry, picked up another AK, fired that dry, picked up a rocket-propelled grenade, fired it, and led the group back to the Humvee, their attack having almost completely cleared the trench. Almost.

One Iraqi was playing dead, fiddling with the pin of a grenade. Lieutenant Chontosh had no ammo, but on the ground were a couple of M-16 rounds from when his rifle had jammed. He grabbed one, loaded, and before the Iraqi could pull the pin, Lieutenant Chontosh locked eyes with him and shot him dead. All told, according to the journalist Phil Zabriskie’s account of the ambush in “The Kill Switch,” Lieutenant Chontosh had killed about two dozen people that day.

When I was a new Marine, just entering the Corps, this story from the Iraq invasion defined heroism for me. It’s a perfect image of war for inspiring new officer candidates, right in line with youthful notions of what war is and what kind of courage it takes — physical courage, full stop. We thought it was a shame more Americans didn’t know the story.

But after spending 13 months in Iraq, after seeing violence go down not because we managed to increase our lethality but because we improved our ability to work with Iraqis, I became convinced that there were other stories of war equally important for Americans to understand. And as we look at a president who claims that he wants to “fight fire with fire” in the battle against jihadism, I think back to the stories that defined, for me, what it meant to be an American at war, and the reasons I was proud to wear the uniform.
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Fred Smith February 12, 2017

From this fine article: "When I was a new Marine, just entering the Corps, this story from the Iraq invasion defined heroism for me. It’s a...
FT February 12, 2017

Conscription will end foolish wars.
Roger Duronio February 12, 2017

This story is a story about principles, personal and national principles. Principles based on the philosophy that all men are...

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I was sent to Iraq in January 2007 with a logistics unit, the sort unlikely to engage in Chontosh-style heroics. We managed the key parts of an army people often forget about: truck drivers, engineers, explosive disposal specialists, postal workers — and, crucially, doctors.

Midway through my deployment a Marine arrived on base with severe wounds. He’d been shot by an enemy sniper, and the medical staff swarmed around his body, working frantically, skillfully, but it wasn’t enough. He died on the table.

Normally, there’d be a moment of silence, of prayer, but the team got word that the man who killed this young Marine, the insurgent sniper, would be arriving a few minutes later. That dead Marine’s squadmates had engaged the sniper in a firefight, shot him a couple of times, patched him up, bandaged him and called for a casualty evacuation to save the life of the man who’d killed their friend.

So he arrived at our base. And the medical staff members, still absorbing the blow of losing a Marine, got to work. They stabilized their enemy and pumped him full of American blood, donated from the “walking blood bank” of nearby Marines. The sniper lived. And then they put him on a helicopter to go to a hospital for follow-up care, and one of the Navy nurses was assigned to be his flight nurse. He told me later of the strangeness of sitting in the back of a helicopter, watching over his enemy lying peacefully unconscious, doped up on painkillers, while he kept checking the sniper’s vitals, his blood pressure, his heartbeat, a heartbeat that was steady and strong thanks to the gift of blood from the Americans this insurgent would have liked to kill.

This wasn’t just a couple of Marines and sailors making the right decision. These weren’t acts of exceptional moral courage in the way Lieutenant Chontosh’s acts were acts of exceptional physical courage. This was standard policy, part of tradition stretching back to the Revolutionary War, when George Washington ordered every soldier in the Continental Army to sign a copy of rules intended to limit harm to civilians and ensure that their conduct respected what he called “the rights of humanity,” so that their restraint “justly secured to us the attachment of all good men.”
American soldiers outside Mosul, Iraq, in 2008. Credit Joao Silva/The New York Times

From our founding we have made these kinds of moral demands of our soldiers. It starts with the oath they swear to support and defend the Constitution, an oath made not to a flag, or to a piece of ground, or to an ethnically distinct people, but to a set of principles established in our founding documents. An oath that demands a commitment to democracy, to liberty, to the rule of law and to the self-evident equality of all men. The Marines I knew fought, and some of them died, for these principles.

That’s why those Marines were trained to care for their enemy. That’s why another Marine gave his own blood to an insurgent. Because America is an idea as much as a country, and so those acts defend America as surely as any act of violence, because they embody that idea. That nurse, in the quiet, alone with that insurgent, with no one looking as he cared for his patient. That was an act of war.

After I left the Marine Corps, I met a veteran named Eric Fair. He was quiet. He wrote strange and affecting stories about guilt and alienation, and at first he didn’t tell me much about his past. Only over time did I learn that he’d been an Army Arabic linguist before Sept. 11, and then had signed up as a contractor and gone to Abu Ghraib prison in January 2004, all things he would later write about in his memoir “Consequence.”

Back then Abu Ghraib was a mess, he told me. Thousands of Iraqis, some of them insurgents, plenty of them innocent civilians caught up in the post-invasion chaos, and far too few qualified interrogators to sort it out. And the information they were seeking — it was literally life or death.

So Eric began crossing lines. Not legal lines — he followed the rules. But moral lines, personal lines, lines where it was clear that he wasn’t treating the people in his interrogation booth like human beings.

One time, it was with a boy captured with car batteries and electronic devices. The boy said his father used the batteries for fishing, an explanation that Eric found absurd. So, he used the approved techniques. Light slaps, stress positions. The boy eventually broke and, weeping, told Eric about a shop where his father delivered the electronics.

When a unit was sent to raid the shop, it found half a dozen partly assembled car bombs. “It was an enormous adrenaline rush,” he told me. He’d used techniques he now considers torture and, he thought, saved lives.

So, naturally, he kept using them. There were a large number of detainees caught with car batteries, all of them with the same story about fishing. With them, Eric would go right to the techniques designed to humiliate, to degrade, to make people suffer until they tell you what you want to hear. But Eric didn’t get any more results. No more car bomb factories. Just a lot of broken, weeping detainees.

Eventually, he told a fellow contractor the ridiculous fishing story, and how he wasn’t falling for it, and the contractor told him: “Of course they fish with car batteries. I used to do it in Georgia.” The electric charge stuns the fish, a simple method for an easy meal.
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Eric isn’t sure how many innocent Iraqis he hurt. All he knows is how easy it was for him to cross the line. Just as with that wounded insurgent there was a codified set of procedures set in place to help guide Marines and Navy medical personnel to make moral choices, choices they could tell their children and grandchildren about without shame, for Eric, there was a codified set of procedures beckoning him to take actions that he now feels condemn him.

He doesn’t even have the consolation of feeling that he saved lives. Sure, they found a car bomb factory, but Abu Ghraib was a turning point. In 2003, thousands of Iraqi soldiers had begun surrendering to the United States, confident they’d be treated well. That’s thousands of soldiers we didn’t have to fight to the death because of the moral reputation of our country.

Abu Ghraib changed things. Insurgent attacks increased, support for the sectarian leader Moktada al-Sadr surged, and 92 percent of Iraqis claimed they saw coalition forces as occupiers rather than liberators or peacekeepers. WikiLeaks later released a United States assessment that detainee mistreatment at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo was “the single most important motivating factor” convincing foreign jihadists to wage war, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal said, “In my experience, we found that nearly every first-time jihadist claimed Abu Ghraib had first jolted him to action.” Our moral reputation had started killing American soldiers.

So, yeah, they found a car bomb factory. Once.

Eric has a relationship to his war that’s much different from mine. Yet we were in the same war. And Eric did what our nation asked of him, used techniques that were vetted and approved and passed down to intelligence operatives and contractors like himself. Lawyers at the highest levels of government had been consulted, asked to bring us to the furthest edge of what the law might allow. To do what it takes, regardless of whether such actions will secure the “attachment of all good men,” or live up to that oath we swear to support and defend the Constitution.

What to make of that oath, anyway? The Constitution seems to mean different things at different times and places — whether in my unit’s dusty little combat hospital, or in Eric’s interrogation booth, or in a stadium where a crowd cheers a presidential candidate vowing to torture his nation’s enemies. We live in a democracy, so that document can be bent and twisted and re-formed to mean whatever we want it to.

If we choose to believe in a morally diminished America, an America that pursues its narrow selfish interests and no more, we can take that course and see how far it gets us. But if we choose to believe that America is not just a set of borders, but a set of principles, we need to act accordingly. That is the only way we ensure that our founding document, and the principles embedded within, are alive enough, and honorable enough, to be worth fighting for.

Which brings me back to Brian Chontosh, that man with such incredible skill at killing for his country. Years after I left the Corps I was surprised to learn that he didn’t really put much stock in his exceptional kill count. He told Mr. Zabriskie this about killing: “It’s ugly, it’s violent, it’s disgusting. I wish it wasn’t part of what we had to do.”

When people ask him if he’s proud of what he did, he answers: “I’m not proud of killing a whole lot of people. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m proud of who I am today because I think I’ve done well. I think I’ve been honorable. I’ve been successful for my men, for the cause, for what’s right.”

Brian Chontosh doesn’t dwell on the dead, but he does wonder whether there were times when, perhaps, he need not have killed. One of these is that last soldier in the trench. He’ll remember him, trying to pretend he’s dead but wiggling a bit. “It’s not a haunting image,” he told Mr. Zabriskie. “It’s just — man. I wonder. I wonder if I would have just freaking grabbed the dude. Grabbed his hand, thrown the grenade away or something. I could have got him some medical treatment.”

If he had, then that enemy soldier would have ended up with a unit like mine, surrounded by doctors and nurses and Navy corpsmen who would have cared for him in accordance with the rules of law. They would have treated him well, because they’re American soldiers, because they swore an oath, because they have principles, because they have honor. And because without that, there’s nothing worth fighting for.

Phil Klay is the author of the short-story collection “Redeployment.”

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A version of this op-ed appears in print on February 12, 2017, on Page SR1 of the New York edition with the headline: What We’re Fighting For. Today's Paper|Subscribe
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yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:48

White House Pulls Back From Bid to Reopen C.I.A. ‘Black Site’ Prisons

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A guard post at the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba. Sections of a draft order include a call to bring newly captured terrorism detainees there. Credit Paul J. Richards/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

WASHINGTON — The Trump White House appears to have backed off for now on its consideration of reopening overseas “black site” prisons, where the C.I.A. once tortured terrorism suspects, after a leaked draft executive order prompted bipartisan pushback from Congress and cabinet officials.

On Thursday, the White House circulated among National Security Council staff members a revised version of the draft order on detainees that deleted language contemplating a revival of the C.I.A. prisons, according to several officials familiar with its contents.

The draft order retains other parts of the original that focus on making greater use of the military’s Guantánamo Bay prison, which the Obama administration had tried to close. Those sections, reflecting repeated vows from President Trump, include a call to bring newly captured terrorism detainees there and to freeze plans for any more transfers.

After news outlets reported details of the original draft on Jan. 25, lawmakers erupted in outrage, and both the defense secretary, Jim Mattis, and the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, disavowed any prior knowledge of the contemplated order.

Elisa Massimino, the president of Human Rights First, who had been among those who criticized the original draft, praised the revisions.

“It sounds like a smart reaction to the reaction to the leaked draft,” she said. “Transparency is a good corrective to overreach, and it provides the opportunity for more careful consideration of the broader implications of an order like this.”

In addition to the change on C.I.A. prisons, the revised draft, unlike the original, would not revive a 2007 executive order issued by President George W. Bush, and later rescinded by President Barack Obama, that laid out a limited understanding of which torture techniques count as war crimes under the Geneva Conventions. Such a move would reduce the legal risk to interrogators who employ harsh tactics not on that list, like prolonged sleep deprivation.

The revised draft would also not revoke two executive orders governing detainees that Mr. Obama issued in January 2009, as the original would have. The first bars the C.I.A. from operating prisons and requires all interrogators to adhere to techniques approved in the Army Field Manual. The other was Mr. Obama’s ill-fated directive to close the Guantánamo prison within a year.

However, the revised draft is said to have a provision asserting that all contradictory sections of previous orders are revoked, which would implicitly repeal the part of Mr. Obama’s Guantánamo order that declared an intention to close the prison by the long-missed deadline.
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The revised draft was circulated inside the National Security Council on Thursday, with a deadline for concurring or providing comment by Friday, one official said. The official said the draft had been held much more closely than the original one had been, apparently to prevent further leaks.

The White House had distributed its original draft executive order on detainees in an email to council staff members at 8:41 a.m. on Jan. 24, giving them until 10 that morning to provide any comment. It was one of at least five significant draft orders distributed to them at the same time and with the same quick deadline, two of which Mr. Trump signed in the next few days.

The staff members urged the White House to slow down and get input from affected agencies and departments. They forwarded the email with the draft executive order on detainees to other officials in the government, who provided it to still other people, until it was leaked. The text of the original draft was first reported by The New York Times on Jan. 25.

In response to the news reports, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, falsely said that the draft was not a “White House document.” After The Times then reported details about when and how the White House had circulated it, Mr. Spicer said that it had not been “derived from White House sources” and suggested that its origins traced to input provided to the Trump transition effort.

As BuzzFeed reported, the Trump draft order had lifted verbatim sections from a draft order written in 2012 by policy advisers to the Mitt Romney campaign. But the language in the Trump White House version had been revised, including to take account of subsequent legal and geopolitical developments and to substitute terms like “fight against radical Islamism” for “global war on terrorism.”

By Jan. 27, Mr. Trump foreshadowed that his flirtation with reviving a C.I.A. interrogation program had come to an end, at least for the time being.

At a news conference, Mr. Trump said that while he personally supported waterboarding and thought torture worked, Mr. Mattis, who opposes torture, “will override because I’m giving him that power.”

Follow Charlie Savage on Twitter @charlie_savage.

yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:49

Asia Pacific
China’s Response to Reports of Torture: ‘Fake News’

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BEIJING — “FAKE NEWS,” a Twitter post declared. “Prejudice-based,” another said. “Cleverly orchestrated lies,” a news article asserted.

President Trump’s harangues against the American news media appear to have inspired a new genre of commentary in China’s state media, whose propagandists spiced up social media posts and news articles with Trumpian flourishes this week.

People’s Daily, the flagship newspaper of the ruling Communist Party, mimicked Mr. Trump’s characteristic bluster — and his fondness for capital letters — on Friday in denouncing Western news coverage of a Chinese lawyer and human rights advocate who said he had been tortured.

Foreign media reports that police tortured a detained lawyer is FAKE NEWS, fabricated to tarnish China's image
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) March 3, 2017

An article on the topic a day earlier by Xinhua, the state-run news agency, had accused the foreign news media of “hype” and suggested that legal activists were manipulating the press to “smear the Chinese government.”

“The stories were essentially fake news,” Xinhua wrote, adopting a phrase that Mr. Trump has embraced.

The Chinese government has long denounced Western news organizations as biased and dishonest — and in Mr. Trump, Beijing has found an American president who often does the same.

The irony in China’s criticism is apparent, given Beijing’s history of obscuring facts and censoring stories that officials deem a threat to the party.

Experts said on Friday that Mr. Trump’s continuing attacks on the news media would help lend credibility to Chinese efforts to undermine Western ideals and foreign journalists.

“Trump’s attacks on the media will offer a good excuse for Chinese officials to step up their criticism of Western democracy and press freedom,” said Qiao Mu, a journalism professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University. “China can turn to Trump’s attacks to say Western democracy is hypocrisy.”

It seems to be a fashion for some to believe those imagination & prejudice-based "torture stories".
— China SCIO (@chinascio) March 2, 2017

Some of Mr. Trump’s remarks about the news media would not seem out of place in some of China’s leading broadsheets, where commentators regularly denounce independent reporting by foreign news outlets on delicate subjects like Taiwan or religious persecution.

Rights advocates said Mr. Trump had given China an opportunity to further distort the boundaries of journalism.

“If the Chinese version of journalism, which is really only propaganda, is considered mainstream, it will challenge the understanding of what real journalism should be,” said Patrick Poon, a researcher for Amnesty International in Hong Kong.
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The heated commentary in the Chinese news media came in response to foreign coverage of a Chinese lawyer, Xie Yang, whose account of torture at the hands of interrogators was widely reported in January, including in The New York Times. The reports about Mr. Xie, who is still in custody, were based on transcripts of his interviews with his lawyers.

Xinhua’s report suggested that the account of the torture of Mr. Xie, who was formally arrested last year on a charge of inciting subversion of state power, was fabricated.

“Investigations by reporters and an investigative team have showed that the accusations were nothing but cleverly orchestrated lies,” the report said.

Investigations reveal "torture stories" about Chinese lawyer Xie Yang are nothing but cleverly orchestrated lies
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) March 1, 2017

Xinhua said Jiang Tianyong, a prominent human rights lawyer, had invented the story and shared it with foreign activists.

One of Mr. Xie’s lawyers, Chen Jiangang, denied that on Friday. In a statement, Mr. Chen reiterated that Mr. Xie had provided the account of his torture, describing in detail the meeting at which he had done so.

Chinese officials routinely block efforts to report on topics that the government deems delicate. On Friday, the BBC reported that its journalists had been harassed by the authorities in a village in Hunan Province while trying to interview a woman who says her family’s land was stolen. The BBC said that its journalists were assaulted during the encounter, and that a crowd in the village had smashed the crew’s cameras.

Follow Javier C. Hernández on Twitter @HernandezJavier.

Owen Guo contributed research.

yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:49

C.I.A. Torture Left Scars on Guantánamo Prisoner’s Psyche for Years

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The Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba in 2010. Credit Richard Perry/The New York Times

Nearly a decade after C.I.A. interrogators tortured a Saudi man suspected of involvement in Al Qaeda’s bombing of the American destroyer Cole in 2000, the prisoner continued to experience lingering psychological consequences, including “nightmares that invoked being chained, naked and waterboarded,” newly declassified documents show.

The detainee, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, is facing the death penalty over charges before a military commission at Guantánamo Bay that he helped plot the Cole attack, which killed 17 sailors, as well as an attack on a French-flagged oil tanker in 2002 that killed a Bulgarian man. The newly declassified documents are part of a petition in a related case his lawyers are filing with the Supreme Court.
Document: Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri Supreme Court Petition

The new details add to the growing public understanding of what American officials, desperate to get information out of Mr. Nashiri that they hoped would stop terrorist attacks, did to the prisoner. They also show how that treatment created long-term consequences. When Bush administration lawyers authorized the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques in 2002, one of their premises was that the program they enabled would inflict no lasting damage to the prisoners.

It has long been known that the C.I.A. subjected Mr. Nashiri to some of the most extreme torture of any prisoner taken into the agency’s custody after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. That included prolonged sleep deprivation and the suffocation technique called waterboarding, both of which the Justice Department deemed lawful. It also included a mock execution by an interrogator who racked the slide of a pistol as if preparing to fire it and then revved a power drill next to his head, which went beyond the approved program.
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Related Coverage

How U.S. Torture Left a Legacy of Damaged Minds OCT. 8, 2016
Where Even Nightmares Are Classified: Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo NOV. 12, 2016
C.I.A. Torture Detailed in Newly Disclosed Documents JAN. 19, 2017
Detainees Describe C.I.A. Torture in Declassified Transcripts JUNE 15, 2016
White House Pulls Back From Bid to Reopen C.I.A. ‘Black Site’ Prisons FEB. 4, 2017

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But even though some of what the government did to Mr. Nashiri has become public, including through the partial declassification of a 2004 C.I.A. inspector general report and the release in 2014 of the executive summary of a Senate Intelligence Committee report about the interrogation program, many details have remained classified.
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri is accused of involvement in Al Qaeda’s bombing of the American destroyer U.S.S. Cole in 2000. Credit ABC, via Associated Press

Among the newly disclosed details, the court filing showed that Mr. Nashiri was locked inside a coffin-like box for days. While it was known that confinement in cramped spaces was one of the torture techniques the C.I.A. had approval to use at its black-site prisons, it was not previously known that Mr. Nashiri was among the detainees subjected to it.

The latest filing also discloses that photographs exist of the waterboard setup that the C.I.A. used with Mr. Nashiri and at least two other prisoners, although the photographs were not revealed.

And government censors left unredacted details from a classified psychological examination of Mr. Nashiri that was conducted in 2012 as part of the commission case against him. It showed that his mental breakdown in response to the torture had long-term effects, including his continuing nightmares and other signs of post-traumatic stress.
Lasting Scars

Articles in this series examine the American legacy of brutal interrogations.

How U.S. Torture Left a Legacy of Damaged Minds
After Torture, Ex-Detainee Is Still Captive of ‘The Darkness’
Where Even Nightmares Are Classified: Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo
Secret Documents Show a Tortured Prisoner's Descent
Memories of a Secret C.I.A. Prison

“He developed a phobia of water and, when showering, kept the water pressure low,” the filing stated, citing the psychological review. “For approximately one year after being publicly transferred” from the C.I.A. black-site program “to Guantánamo in 2006, he avoided leaving his cell altogether.”

Lawyers for Mr. Nashiri have been pursuing a lawsuit in the federal court system asking judges to block the government from prosecuting him before a military commission, rather than in civilian court. The argument centers on the idea that the bombings of the Cole and the French oil tanker did not take place in a wartime context, and so it is improper to use a military war-crime court to address them.

In August, a three-judge panel on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Mr. Nashiri’s lawsuit by a 2-to-1 vote, with the majority ruling that the pending commission proceedings had to run their course first and then Mr. Nashiri could raise the issue on appeal, assuming he is convicted. His lawyers are appealing to the Supreme Court, again seeking an order to shut down the commission trial.
The attack on the Cole at the Yemeni port of Aden killed 17 sailors. Credit Dimitri Messinis/Associated Press

Their petition and an attached appendix include a significant amount of information about what happened to Mr. Nashiri, drawn from classified summaries turned over to his defense team in the commission case. Large amounts of that material remained redacted.

The uncovered portions showed that Mr. Nashiri’s defense team also drew heavily from a recently published book, “Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America,” by James E. Mitchell, one of two psychologists whom the C.I.A. hired to design its interrogation program.

Mr. Mitchell’s book defended the program as he and the other psychologist, Bruce Jessen, had designed it, but portrayed C.I.A. officials as sometimes deviating from it — and from limits set by the Justice Department — to inflict more extreme physical abuse on detainees that the psychologists did not condone.
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Some of those details, which have not been included in declassified government documents to date, were also included in the Supreme Court petition.

For example, Mr. Mitchell described watching C.I.A. officials make Mr. Nashiri kneel, put a broomstick behind his knees and force his body backward until “he began to scream” — because, the petition said, the technique was pulling his knee joints apart.

Another passage from the book highlighted in the petition described the use of a stiff-bristled brush to scrub Mr. Nashiri’s anus and scrotum “and then his mouth.”

Separately, the military judge overseeing the commission case against Mr. Nashiri has apparently issued an order authorizing the defense team to call Mr. Jessen and Mr. Mitchell as witnesses. The defense strategy in that case is to argue that the government should not be permitted to execute Mr. Nashiri because it tortured him.

In yet another case, other former C.I.A. detainees are suing Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Jessen. Earlier this month, the Trump administration asked a judge to block the two psychologists’ request for testimony from several top C.I.A. officials, including Gina Haspel, the deputy director, arguing that asking her questions about the topic would endanger state secrets.

Follow Charlie Savage on Twitter @charlie_savage.

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:50

Des statistiques sur le viol… qui oublient les pays musulmans, mais placent la Suède en 3e position !
Publié le 31 décembre 2012 - par Olivier Pfister - 22 429 vues

Le dernier viol médiatisé nous vient d’Inde, et forcément, depuis, la bien pensance hurle sur ce pays pour leur manque de respect pour les femmes en général… La bonne blague ! Premièrement, il faut savoir que, bien que d’une culture différente, les hindou respectent leurs femmes et ne les considèrent pas comme de la viande ou comme la moitié d’un homme, contrairement à certains… Et puis, surtout, il faut savoir différencier plusieurs Indes ! L’Inde du Nord est plus pauvre que celle du sud, et quand on sait que l’Inde du Nord ouest est en frontière avec le Pakistan, vous imaginez bien que ce quart du pays subit bien plus de violence et de viols qu’ailleurs…

Mais le summun de la manipulation, ça reste ce petit tableau nous indiquant les pays ou se déroulent le plus de viols dans le monde :

Ouahhhh, les Etats-Unis, le pays avec le plus grand nombre de viols ! Sauf que ces chiffres ne sont absolument pas représentatifs de la réalité, pour deux raisons essentielles, énormes, gigantesques ! D’abord, parce que le chiffre brut ne veut rien dire, tout simplement car il n’est pas ramené à la population totale ! Il parait évident qu’il y’aura plus de viols en Inde qu’en France, sauf que dans le premier pays, il y’a plus d’un milliard d’habitants, et dans le second, 65 millions… Allez, reprenons le tableau avec les rations !

Pays Nbre de viols Habitants (en million) Ratio
United States:



South Africa:















United Kingdom:












Korea, South:














































Forcément, ça change, n’est-ce pas ? On constate que le Japon, pourtant souvent mis en avant à cause de ses « perversions » et de ses hentais, est l’un des pays avec le moins de viols au monde : un ratio de 0,00186.
Tu as 10 fois plus de chance de te faire violer en France qu’au Japon, et plus de deux fois en France qu’en Russie… Les Etats Unis, eux, bien qu’ayant un ratio assez élevé, sont loin d’être dans le peloton de tête. Et l’Inde ? Dans cette liste, c’est LE pays avec le ratio le plus bas, c’est à dire, avec le nombre de viols par rapport aux habitants le moins élevé ! C’est dire la manipulation médiatique, une fois encore.

Et pour les pays de tête ? Sud-Afrique remporte la palme, le Zimbabwe, puis… La Suède. La Suède ? Et la, nous rentrons dans la seconde raison de la non représentativité de ces viols : ces chiffres sont des chiffres bruts, c’est à dire qu’ils prennent en compte tout les viols dont une plainte a été déposé dans les pays, c’est à dire que, d’abord, ce n’est qu’un dixième de la réalité, vu que la majorité des personnes violées ne porteront jamais plainte, pour diverses raisons, mais aussi, ne différenciant pas les immigrés des autres ! Ainsi, en Suède, comme pour d’autres crimes commis ( ), n’y cherchez pas une société suédoise particulièrement vile et méchante : la majorité, pour ne pas dire l’intégralité ( , ce reportage concerne la Norvège, mais c’est la même pour la Suède) sont le fait des immigrés !
Dire que la Suède est un pays de violeurs est donc un non sens, quand on sait que tout les viols ou presque sont commis par des immigrés musulmans, venant de pays des plus discutables, dont on se demande pourquoi on autorise encore une immigration : Pakistan, Turquie, Egypte, etc.

Et le plus drôle, dans cette liste, c’est qu’il n’y a aucun pays musulman ! Tout les continents sont indiqués, sauf l’Afrique, mis à part deux pays. Cela voudrait dire qu’il n’y a pas de viols, là bas ? La bonne blague ! Sauf que, islam et « honneur » aidant, la majorité des violées n’en diront jamais rien, au risque de se faire marier avec leur violeur…
Quel bel sens de l’honneur ! Enfin, dans nos contrées, cela s’appelle plutôt la langue de bois et l’hypocrisie, et donc, comme d’habitude, d’après les musulmans, chez eux, tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes, quand dans nos sociétés, c’est la déchéance et le vice qui gouvernent. Et la marmotte ? Nous au moins nous avons le courage et l’honnêteté de dénoncer ce genre de crimes. Nous reste à faire le même genre de statistiques pour le nombre de méfaits liés à l’islam, et peut être que notre société deviendra meilleure encore… C’est pas pour tout de suite, hélas.

Olivier Pfister

yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:50

La famine menace le sud de Madagascar frappé par la sécheresse

Près de 1,4 million de personnes sont en insuffisance alimentaire, dont 850 000 dans un état grave à cause d’un déficit de pluie dû à El Nino.

Par Pierre Lepidi (Amboasary, Madagascar, envoyé spécial)

LE MONDE Le 09.12.2016 à 09h02 • Mis à jour le 12.12.2016 à 09h36
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Un vent fort balaie la vallée depuis le début de la matinée. La poussière qu’il soulève cingle les yeux et balaie tout espoir : il ne pleuvra pas. Pas aujourd’hui, pas demain. Dans le sud de Madagascar, la sécheresse qui sévit menace aujourd’hui 1,4 million de personnes, et principalement les enfants et les personnes âgées.

Lire aussi : Pour Madagascar, des milliards de dollars et l’espoir d’un nouveau départ

L’absence de pluies abondantes dans la région d’Amboasary est liée au phénomène climatique El Nino. Dans cette commune de 38 000 habitants, située à environ 75 km de Fort-Dauphin, la situation est inquiétante au centre de soins du sud de la ville. « Nous avons aujourd’hui des cas de malnutrition aiguë sévère, déplore Mamy Razanamahefa, médecin. Les patients consultent aussi pour des cas de diarrhées et des infections respiratoires chroniques. Il n’a pas plu ici depuis deux mois, juste une petite averse il y a deux semaines. Les gens sont épuisés et n’ont plus rien à manger. » « La malnutrition aiguë sévère est une condamnation à mort assurée, rappelle Olivier Banquet, directeur d’Action contre la faim à Madagascar. Cette situation fait de la malnutrition un enjeu de santé et de développement majeur, pourtant à ce jour il reste sous-financé. »
92 % de la population en dessous du seuil de pauvreté

Cette crise alimentaire survient après déjà trois années déjà difficiles dans le sud de Madagascar, l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, où 92 % des habitants vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté. « Depuis six ans, le taux de malnutrition ne cesse d’augmenter », s’inquiète Mamy Razanamahefa.
Nizalovasoa, une petite fille de 21 mois en état de malnutrition aiguë, dans le village d’Andranobory, dans le sud de Madagascar, début décembre 2016.

Le 2 décembre à Paris, le pays a obtenu 5,9 milliards d’euros des bailleurs de fonds (Banque mondiale, Banque africaine de développement (BAD), Union européenne et agences des Nations unies…) pour remettre sur pied l’économie d’un pays mis à mal par cinq années d’instabilité politique. Une partie de la somme arrivera-t-elle cette fois jusqu’à la région d’Amboasary pour construire des infrastructures et notamment des routes qui sont dans un état désastreux ? L’avenir le dira. Cette région du pays a toujours été « oubliée » par les autorités.

Lire aussi : FAO : l’Afrique australe menacée d’insécurité alimentaire par El Niño

Le sud est actuellement en période de « kere », de soudure. C’est le moment qui précède les premières récoltes et où le grain de la récolte précédente manque, puisque les réserves sont vides. L’absence d’eau a fait chuter la production de maïs de 80 % par rapport aux niveaux enregistrés depuis 2015, qui affichaient déjà une régression. Mais la production de riz et surtout de manioc est également en baisse. Près de 850 000 personnes sont en situation de grave insécurité alimentaire, ce qui signifie qu’elles ne sont pas en mesure de satisfaire leurs besoins nutritifs et devront compter sur une aide alimentaire d’urgence.
Des bœufs bradés sur le marché

« Après avoir subi déjà deux ou trois saisons de crise, les ménages sont fortement affectés et ils n’ont plus les capacités d’affronter une nouvelle situation d’urgence, estime Luc Genot, coordonnateur des urgences de la FAO, l’organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. S’il n’y a pas d’appui, on risque de se retrouver face à une crise alimentaire majeure qui coûtera plus chère par la suite. Les familles ont déjà vendu beaucoup de leur moyen de production, comme leurs bœufs. Estimés à 700 ou 800 000 ariary [la monnaie malgache], ils ont été bradés sur les marchés à 100 000 pour faire face à l’urgence. » Beaucoup en sont réduits à manger des figues de barbarie, qui poussent sur les feuilles de cactus et que l’on trouve sur les étals des marchés, ou des mangues roulées dans la cendre pour apaiser la faim.

Lire aussi : La France doit augmenter l’aide publique au développement

Dans le village d’Andranobory, le ciel est gris, saturé de poussières. Le vent s’engouffre dans les ruelles sablonneuses et les rafales font claquer les vêtements usés sur les corps maigres. L’atmosphère plonge le visiteur dans un autre monde, un autre temps. Ici, il n’y quasiment rien à manger et plus de médicaments depuis qu’un réfrigérateur vétuste a mis le feu au centre de santé, le 7 octobre.
Un océan de désespoir

Il est 11 heures et une foule compacte s’avance maintenant devant la mairie en espérant un subside ou juste une bonne nouvelle du médecin ou du maire. Lentement, le docteur mesure le bras d’une fillette que lui présente sa maman. Nizalovasoa a les cheveux courts et ébouriffés, quasiment 2 ans mais en paraît beaucoup moins. Depuis trop longtemps, elle ne mange qu’un repas par jour, un reste de manioc ou de sorgho, avec quelques graines de dolique ou de niébé. Au niveau de son biceps, le tour de son bras est maigre : il fait moins de 11 cm… Sa mère le voit et, dans son regard à cet instant, se lit un océan de désespoir.

Selon l’UNICEF, la moitié des enfants malgaches de moins de 5 ans souffrent de malnutrition, ce qui entraîne des bouleversements physiques mais également un ralentissement de leur développement intellectuel. Les conséquences à l’échelle du pays sont importantes. Faute de pouvoir étudier convenablement, ces 2 millions d’enfants ne pourront pas produire pour leur pays. Une étude réalisée par l’organisation onusienne a montré que la Grande Ile perd ainsi chaque année, en termes de productivité économique, 700 millions de dollars (660 millions d’euros) à cause de la malnutrition.

Lire aussi : Sécheresse en Afrique australe : aide d’urgence chiffrée à un milliard de dollars

A Andahive, une commune de 505 habitants, la situation semble moins critique. La FAO a distribué des tiges de patate douce améliorées qui résistent à la sécheresse et s’adaptent aux conditions particulières du secteur. Sur une parcelle mise à la disposition de la communauté, les résultats sont encourageants. « Les hommes labourent et les femmes plantent, tout le monde travaille ensemble, assure Hihaly, président du groupement des producteurs de semences. L’an dernier, le village était en grande difficulté mais aujourd’hui, les conditions se sont nettement améliorées. On donne même parfois des tiges de patate douce aux villages alentour. »

« Comme d’autres semences du même type, les tiges de patate douce sont une solution à la malnutrition. Mais ce qui marche à un endroit ne marche pas forcément ailleurs, rappelle Luc Genot. Il faut des politiques basées sur le long terme. Et, dans tous les cas, il faut de la pluie. » Si les prévisions globales ne sont pas bonnes jusqu’à mi-janvier, elles pourraient s’améliorer ensuite. Mais pour Nizalovasoa et tant d’autres enfants, c’est maintenant qu’il y a urgence.

Lire aussi : Malnutrition : le dépistage par les mères, une stratégie prometteuse

Pierre Lepidi
Amboasary, Madagascar, envoyé spécial

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:52

CIN2 : Abondance et famine - les tendances actuelles en matière de nutrition
DUBAI/BANGKOK, 21 novembre 2014

Plus de 20 ans après la première édition de l'événement, la deuxième Conférence internationale sur la nutrition (CIN2) a lieu cette semaine à Rome.

Les défis mondiaux en matière de nutrition ont beaucoup changé depuis. Les taux de dénutrition ont chuté et l'obésité a augmenté en flèche, faisant désormais plus de morts
que la dénutrition. Le diabète fait dorénavant partie des 10 premières causes de mortalité dans le mondeet le climat de plus en plus instable fait peser de nouvelles menaces sur la sécuritaire alimentaire mondiale.

Le but officiel de la CIN2, qui a lieu du 19 au 21 novembre, est de finaliser la rédaction et de planifier la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de Rome sur la nutrition, qui sera signée à la fin de la conférence par des gouvernements des quatre coins du globe. Celle-ci définira l'orientation des politiques en matière de nutrition pour les années à venir.

On peut supposer que les poids lourds tels que l'UNICEF, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) occuperont le devant de la scène lors de cette conférence. Dans ce contexte, IRIN a voulu permettre à d'autres acteurs de la lutte contre la malnutrition de se faire entendre. Nos journalistes ont ainsi demandé à diverses parties prenantes - des responsables des gouvernements locaux aux experts mondiaux - d'exprimer les attentes qu'ils nourrissent par rapport à la CIN2, de parler des principaux obstacles à l'amélioration de la nutrition auxquels ils sont confrontés dans leurs pays et de donner leur avis quant aux mesures devant être adoptées pour améliorer la nutrition dans le monde. »

« Il faut renforcer l'obligation de rendre des comptes »

Lawrence Haddad, Royaume-Uni, chargé de recherche principal à l'Institut international de recherche sur les politiques alimentaires (IFPRI) et co-président du groupe d'experts responsable de la rédaction du Rapport mondial sur la nutrition

« Ce qui me préoccupe le plus, c'est de voir qu'il n'y a qu'une demi-page qui traite de l'obligation de rendre des comptes dans les recommandations [du Cadre d'action pour la CIN2]. En d'autres mots, il y a tous ces beaux engagements et toutes ces belles recommandations, mais personne ne risque de perdre son boulot si rien ne se concrétise. Qui devra subir les conséquences ? Qui sera récompensé ? J'ai l'impression que la section sur l'obligation de rendre des comptes est plutôt faible.

« On ne parle pas non plus des objectifs de dépenses pour la nutrition. C'est pourtant l'un des principaux problèmes : les gouvernements n'allouent pas suffisamment d'argent à la nutrition. Les bailleurs de fonds y consacrent environ 1,5 milliard de dollars par année sur quelque 140 milliards d'aide publique au développement (APD). Ce n'est pas grand-chose lorsque l'on considère que la malnutrition infantile est responsable de 45 pour cent des décès des enfants de moins de 5 ans.

« Les [auteurs des] documents de la CIN ne semblent pas non plus se préoccuper de la faible importance accordée à la nutrition dans les Objectifs de développement durable [ODD] pour 2030. Dix-sept objectifs et 169 cibles de développement durable ont été proposés et la nutrition n'est mentionnée que dans un seul ODD. C'est pathétique. »

« Ce n'est pourtant pas si compliqué. Il faut simplement faire preuve de clarté en ce qui concerne les engagements, les responsabilités de chacun par rapport à ces engagements et les délais impartis pour leur réalisation. Il faut ensuite établir les sanctions qui seront appliquées s'ils ne sont pas respectés. Je voudrais lire la mention suivante dans un document de la CIN2 : 'Voici comment nous avons l'intention d'assurer le suivi de chacun de ces éléments.' »

« Il faut trouver des solutions holistiques »

Caroline Abla, Washington, DC, directrice de la nutrition et de la sécurité alimentaire, International Medical Corps

« Je crois qu'il est important de considérer les problèmes croissants liés à l'obésité et aux maladies non transmissibles, comme le diabète, vu les difficultés dont nous avons été témoins lors des récentes réponses aux catastrophes, notamment en Syrie. Il faut par exemple élargir la cible provisoire des ODD qui concerne l'obésité infantile pour couvrir aussi les maladies non transmissibles et les autres groupes vulnérables comme les adolescents.

« La plus récente version du Cadre d'action mettait beaucoup l'accent sur la nourriture et les systèmes alimentaires. C'est important, bien sûr, mais il faut accorder davantage d'attention à d'autres problèmes liés à la nutrition ou pouvant avoir un impact sur la nutrition, notamment les questions liées à l'eau, à l'assainissement et à l'hygiène [WASH], le développement de la petite enfance, etc. »

« Le problème ne concerne pas seulement les pays en développement »

Roger Mathisen, Vietnam, consultant en matière de nutrition/urgences en Asie du Sud-Est

« Je pense qu'il faut surtout profiter de la CIN2 pour faire comprendre aux pays développés qu'ils ne doivent pas se considérer simplement comme des donateurs et qu'ils ont [également] un rôle important à jouer dans leur propre pays en ce qui concerne la mise en oeuvre des politiques et des plans recommandés pour lutter contre le double fardeau de la malnutrition.

« Je travaille depuis de nombreuses années sur les changements de politique dans les pays en développement. On retrouve notamment, parmi les questions les plus fréquemment posées par les décideurs [de ces pays] : 'Pourquoi les pays développés n'ont-ils pas mis cette politique en place ? Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de données et de rapports de suivi sur cette question dans les pays développés ?' Il s'agit de prêcher par l'exemple et de respecter ses engagements. Tous les pays devraient devoir rendre des comptes. »
Photo: Tony Alter/Flickr
L'épaississement des tours de taille s'accompagne de nouvelles préoccupations en matière de nutrition

« Les politiques à modifier incluent notamment les législations nationales relatives aux restrictions à la commercialisation [.] des substituts du lait maternel utilisés dès l'enfance, des aliments pour bébés et autres aliments et boissons à forte teneur énergétique ou contenant beaucoup de sucre, de gras, d'alcool ou de sel. Il faudrait en outre s'attaquer aux politiques d'importation et d'exportation et aux politiques de prix afin de promouvoir la qualité et de prévenir le gaspillage. »

« La malnutrition peut aggraver les autres maladies »
En savoir plus
Plus de visibilité pour le changement climatique dans les nouveaux ODD

François Venter, Afrique du Sud, directeur général adjoint de l'Institut Wits pour la santé reproductive et le VIH (WRHI) et professeur associé au département de médecine de l'Université du Witwatersrand, à Johannesburg

« Nous connaissons depuis longtemps l'importance de la nutrition et de l'hygiène dans la lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA. Or, ces deux éléments figurent de plus en plus bas sur la liste des priorités des programmes de développement.

« Je suis extrêmement frustré par le peu d'importance que l'on accorde à la nutrition dans le secteur de la santé publique. À quoi cela sert-il d'avoir de fabuleux programmes avec les plus récents médicaments et innovations quand les patients vont se coucher le ventre vide ? »

« Je serais prêt à renoncer à toute une génération de médicaments et d'innovations anti-VIH si on me garantissait que mes patients seraient nourris adéquatement. Il y a beaucoup trop de rhétorique dans le domaine de la nutrition et je pense que les praticiens de la santé publique doivent revenir à l'essentiel et commencer à mettre l'accent sur la fourniture d'une alimentation adéquate.

« Après 2015, nous devrons mettre l'accent sur des objectifs nutritionnels, non pas sur des idées à la mode comme de changer le pourcentage de matières grasses ou d'aliments transformés, mais sur des objectifs concernant le nombre de personnes qui vont se coucher le ventre vide. Nous avons besoin d'objectifs clairs qui auront des effets significatifs, et non pas de vagues recommandations qui peuvent trop facilement être mises de côté au profit de considérations plus commerciales. »

Arumugam Selvarani, Sri Lanka, responsable de la santé infantile, division d'Ampitya, District de Badulla, Province d'Uva

« Les grandes conférences [comme la CIN2] devraient s'intéresser à l'impact de la santé mentale sur le développement physique de l'enfant. Nous savons que la croissance d'un enfant qui n'est pas heureux dans sa tête peut être affectée, mais nous avons besoin de conseils clairs à donner à nos patients. Il faut leur dire, par exemple, que des disputes incessantes entre le père et la mère peuvent avoir un impact négatif sur le développement physique. »

« Il faut consacrer davantage de fonds à la nutrition directe »

Aboubacar Mahamadou, Niger, coordonnateur national pour le partenariat REACH et conseiller en matière de nutrition auprès du gouvernement

« [Avec les progrès réalisés récemment grâce aux initiatives internationales et nationales], nous sommes sur la bonne voie pour trouver des solutions à nos problèmes de nutrition et [améliorer] a coordination des interventions multiples. L'amélioration de la coordination multisecteurs, en particulier le financement de la nutrition, est l'un des défis qu'il nous reste à surmonter. Nous devrions nous inspirer de l'Alliance mondiale pour les vaccins, ou Alliance GAVI, et mettre en place des mécanismes de financement novateurs dans le domaine de la nutrition.

« Étant donné leurs coûts élevés, la mise en oeuvre d'interventions dites 'de nutrition directe' ou ayant un impact sur la nutrition constitue un autre défi. Celui-ci est particulièrement difficile dans le cas du Niger. Le pays est vaste (1,3 million de kilomètres carrés) et sa densité démographique est faible (moins de 15 habitants par kilomètres carrés).

Vedanayagam Tabendaran, Sri Lanka, agent des services sociaux du district, Secrétariat de division, District de Kilinochchi, Province du Nord, qui travaille essentiellement auprès des communautés affectées par les conflits

« Nous avons une bonne connaissance de la façon de prévenir les maladies, mais nous avons besoin de davantage d'aide pour atteindre les régions isolées. Il n'y a jamais assez d'argent pour venir en aide aux habitants des villages éloignés. Nous nous y rendons une fois par mois, ce qui n'est pas suffisant pour faire un bon suivi. Il est plus facile et plus efficace d'envoyer des professionnels de la santé dans les régions où il y a des besoins que de chercher à inciter les gens à se déplacer pour aller voir un professionnel de la santé. On pourrait déjà faire des progrès notables en favorisant la mobilité des travailleurs de la santé. »

« Les progrès en matière de nutrition exigent des solutions économiques »

Vinod Paul, chef du département de pédiatrie au All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), situé à New Delhi, en Inde, et directeur du Centre collaborateur de l'OMS pour la santé du nouveau-né pour la région de l'Asie du Sud-Est

« Le principal défi de l'Inde est de réussir à utiliser le développement économique pour améliorer le statut nutritionnel de ses enfants. Nous faisons des progrès avec notre développement socio-économique, mais il faut maintenant faire en sorte que la croissance économique et l'accélération du développement se traduisent par des améliorations nutritionnelles. »

Vedanayagam Tabendaran, Sri Lanka, agent des services sociaux du district, Secrétariat de division, District de Kilinochchi, Province du Nord

« Les habitants de mon district sont pauvres. La plupart d'entre eux vivent toujours dans des logements temporaires. Il est dès lors très difficile de les amener à se préoccuper davantage de leur santé et de leur nutrition. Ces éléments sont en effet secondaires pour eux, du moins jusqu'à ce qu'ils [aient un revenu]. Les gens ont recours aux programmes [de nutrition] financés par le gouvernement ou par des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), mais les ressources qui servent à financer ces programmes sont de plus en plus limitées.

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yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:53

Somalie : état de famine décrété dans trois nouvelles régions

Ces nouvelles régions comprennent notamment deux sites où des centaines de milliers de déplacés se sont rassemblés pour tenter de trouver de la nourriture.

Le avec AFP Le 03.08.2011 à 19h34 • Mis à jour le 06.08.2011 à 19h25
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La famine s'est propagée à trois nouvelles zones de Somalie, notamment la capitale Mogadiscio et le plus important site de déplacés au monde, en raison d'une grave sécheresse affectant toute la Corne de l'Afrique, a indiqué mercredi 3 août l'ONU.

"La situation actuelle représente la plus sévère crise humanitaire dans le monde aujourd'hui et la pire crise de sécurité alimentaire depuis la famine de 1991-1992 en Somalie", selon l'ONU. Ces nouvelles régions affectées comprennent notamment deux sites où des centaines de milliers de déplacés somaliens se sont rassemblés pour tenter d'avoir de la nourriture.

"Les trois régions [concernées] sont le site de déplacés du corridor d'Afgoye, la communauté de déplacés de Mogadiscio, dans les sept districts de la ville, et dans les districts de Balaad et d'Adale dans le Moyen-Shabelle", a indiqué Graine Moloney, chef de la cellule "Sécurité alimentaire et analyse de la nutrition" (FSNAU) pour la Somalie. Quelque 409 000 Somaliens se sont rassemblés dans la zone du corridor d'Afgoye, a précisé la responsable de l'ONU, ce qui constitue le plus important site de déplacés au monde.


En juillet, l'ONU avait décrété l'état de famine dans les régions de Bakool et du Bas-Shabelle, toujours dans le sud de la Somalie, pays ravagé depuis vingt ans par une guerre civile. L'organisation avait averti que l'ensemble du pays est en train de basculer dans une situation de famine et estimé que la crise alimentaire liée à la sécheresse dans la Corne de l'Afrique allait s'aggraver dans les trois à quatre mois qui viennent.

"Malgré une attention plus importante ces dernières semaines, la réponse humanitaire actuelle reste inadéquate, en partie à cause des restrictions d'accès et des difficultés pour accroître les programmes d'assistance d'urgence, mais aussi à cause de financements insuffisants", selon un communiqué de l'ONU. "En conséquence, la famine pourrait s'étendre à toutes les régions du sud de la Somalie dans les quatre à six semaines à venir", selon le texte.


De nombreuses organisations humanitaires ont lancé des programmes d'urgence. Parmi elles, l'Unicef, le Programme alimentaire mondial, Action contre la faim, la Croix-Rouge, Médecins sans frontières, Médecins du monde, le Secours Catholique, le Secours Islamique, Handicap international, Secours Populaire Français, Care, Acted, Solidarités international ou encore Handicap international.

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yanis la chouette

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:55

Why looking at the sun can make you sneeze
Julia Griffin
BY Julia Griffin March 20, 2017 at 2:24 PM EDT

The sun makes me sneeze. It’s not like I get fits of uncontrollable sneezes as if I’m allergic to the sunrays. But watch me leave a movie theater at high noon on a cloudless Saturday, and you can bet a large sneeze will explode out of my body within 30 seconds.

Since childhood, I thought sun sneezes were a malady that everyone encounters. But a few years ago, I explained to my then-boyfriend and now-husband that I could force a sneeze to happen by staring at the sun. His quizzical look revealed that sun sneezes are not normal. I’m an exception to a rule — but I’m not alone.

My light-induced sneezes are caused by a seemingly harmless disorder called “photic sneeze reflex.” The Greek philosopher Aristotle referenced the phenomenon during the fourth century B.C., but wasn’t until 1954 that scientists first described it in medical literature. Some researchers have since applied the appropriate acronym ACHOO: Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome.
An estimated 10 to 35 percent of the population has a photic sneeze reflex.

“It’s not a disease,” University of California, San Francisco neurologist and human geneticist Louis Ptáček told the NewsHour. “Some people find it annoying, but some people like it to some extent. They’ll say, ‘It helps me get a sneeze out.’”

The disorder is characterized by a sudden outburst of one or multiple sneezes when a dark-adapted person — they’ve been in a darkened space for a while — is suddenly exposed to light. Sunlight is a trigger, but artificial illumination from light bulbs and camera flashes can also cause sneezes. Additionally, a not-yet-established length of time in a darkened space — called a refractory period — must pass before an individual with photic sneeze reflex will sneeze in light again.

As it turns out, an estimated 10 to 35 percent of the population has a photic sneeze reflex. Because its prevalence is higher in individuals with a family history of the disorder, the handful of scientists who have studied the phenomena suspect a genetic, autosomal dominant — a person needs only one parent with the condition to inherit it.

Ask your parents about ACHOO
Photic sneeze reflex is a relatively harmless disorder that causes people to sneeze in bright light after being in a dark space. Photo by Cultura/Seb Oliver/Getty Images.

Photic sneeze reflex is a relatively harmless disorder that causes people to sneeze in bright light after being in a dark space. Photo by Cultura/Seb Oliver/Getty Images

A regular sneeze is a violent preemptive strike. It is a reflex meant to protect the nasal passages and lungs from infectious agents or irritants. An estimated 40,000 microscopic particles can spew out of the human body — at a rate 85 percent the speed of sound — each time we sneeze. How delightful.

“When we sneeze, there is a huge contraction of the diaphragm all at once,” Ptáček said. “Dust or black pepper particles in the nose, for example, irritate the mucosa and leads to a sneeze reflex to prevent you being hurt by a noxious environment.”

But why did evolution decide for some of us to sneeze when accosted by bright light? Is it a forceful warning to keep my pale, Scottish skin from the sun’s burning rays? (Answer: Likely, no.)

The most prevalent theory postulates that neurological signals are crossed between the trigeminal nerve, which senses facial sensations like an itchy nose, and the optic nerve, which constricts the eye’s pupils when light penetrates the retina.

But large, in-depth studies on this or other theories are lacking, with most photic sneeze reflex research based on small case studies of single families or small groups of photic sneezers.

Julia Griffin


BY Julia Griffin March 20, 2017 at 2:24 PM EDT
Photic sneeze reflex spurs light-induced sneezes in 10 to 30 percent of people. Photo by Peter Widmann/Getty Images

Photic sneeze reflex spurs light-induced sneezes in 10 to 30 percent of people. Photo by Peter Widmann/Getty Images

The sun makes me sneeze. It’s not like I get fits of uncontrollable sneezes as if I’m allergic to the sunrays. But watch me leave a movie theater at high noon on a cloudless Saturday, and you can bet a large sneeze will explode out of my body within 30 seconds.

Since childhood, I thought sun sneezes were a malady that everyone encounters. But a few years ago, I explained to my then-boyfriend and now-husband that I could force a sneeze to happen by staring at the sun. His quizzical look revealed that sun sneezes are not normal. I’m an exception to a rule — but I’m not alone.

My light-induced sneezes are caused by a seemingly harmless disorder called “photic sneeze reflex.” The Greek philosopher Aristotle referenced the phenomenon during the fourth century B.C., but wasn’t until 1954 that scientists first described it in medical literature. Some researchers have since applied the appropriate acronym ACHOO: Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome.
An estimated 10 to 35 percent of the population has a photic sneeze reflex.

“It’s not a disease,” University of California, San Francisco neurologist and human geneticist Louis Ptáček told the NewsHour. “Some people find it annoying, but some people like it to some extent. They’ll say, ‘It helps me get a sneeze out.’”

The disorder is characterized by a sudden outburst of one or multiple sneezes when a dark-adapted person — they’ve been in a darkened space for a while — is suddenly exposed to light. Sunlight is a trigger, but artificial illumination from light bulbs and camera flashes can also cause sneezes. Additionally, a not-yet-established length of time in a darkened space — called a refractory period — must pass before an individual with photic sneeze reflex will sneeze in light again.

As it turns out, an estimated 10 to 35 percent of the population has a photic sneeze reflex. Because its prevalence is higher in individuals with a family history of the disorder, the handful of scientists who have studied the phenomena suspect a genetic, autosomal dominant — a person needs only one parent with the condition to inherit it.

Ask your parents about ACHOO
Photic sneeze reflex is a relatively harmless disorder that causes people to sneeze in bright light after being in a dark space. Photo by Cultura/Seb Oliver/Getty Images.

Photic sneeze reflex is a relatively harmless disorder that causes people to sneeze in bright light after being in a dark space. Photo by Cultura/Seb Oliver/Getty Images

A regular sneeze is a violent preemptive strike. It is a reflex meant to protect the nasal passages and lungs from infectious agents or irritants. An estimated 40,000 microscopic particles can spew out of the human body — at a rate 85 percent the speed of sound — each time we sneeze. How delightful.

“When we sneeze, there is a huge contraction of the diaphragm all at once,” Ptáček said. “Dust or black pepper particles in the nose, for example, irritate the mucosa and leads to a sneeze reflex to prevent you being hurt by a noxious environment.”

But why did evolution decide for some of us to sneeze when accosted by bright light? Is it a forceful warning to keep my pale, Scottish skin from the sun’s burning rays? (Answer: Likely, no.)

The most prevalent theory postulates that neurological signals are crossed between the trigeminal nerve, which senses facial sensations like an itchy nose, and the optic nerve, which constricts the eye’s pupils when light penetrates the retina.

But large, in-depth studies on this or other theories are lacking, with most photic sneeze reflex research based on small case studies of single families or small groups of photic sneezers.
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For example, in 2010, a Swiss study found greater stimulation of the primary and secondary visual cortex — regions of the brain that processes visual information — of 10 photic sneezers when exposed to various wavelengths of light compared to those who do not have the reflex. The optic nerve feeds information to the visual cortex.

In contrast, Spanish researchers in 2016 found individuals with photic sneeze reflex had thickened nerves in the eye’s cornea. Those nerves exit the eye via the trigeminal nerve. In that study, however, the 13 individuals analyzed were all from the same family.
Members of the crowd shield their eyes from the setting sun during the Australian Open 2015 tennis tournament in Melbourne. Photo by Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters

Taking a closer look at photic sneeze reflex could reveal important insights on other diseases. Photo by Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters

Ptáček studies the genetics behind episodic disorders like migraine headaches and epilepsy. His lab has collected surveys on photic sneeze reflex for years but has lacked funding to analyze the information in depth. He believes a dearth of money is to blame for few exhaustive studies.

“It’s hard to get funding because reviewers don’t think of it as a problem,” he said. “Instead, money goes to research on diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.”
“If we knew one or more genes that cause photic sneeze reflex, I don’t doubt that that might teach us fundamental things about reflex disorders like epilepsy.”

In most cases, sneezes summoned by sudden changes in light are relatively harmless. But the triple threat of bright light-induced temporary blindness, an induced sneeze and subsequent eyelid closure could be threatening under special circumstances. Case studies suggest high-wire acrobats, baseball outfielders and combat pilots may be adversely impacted. From personal experience, I can attest that sneezing after driving out of a dark tunnel at 60 miles an hour can be — at least temporarily — frightening.

Ptáček thinks taking a closer look at photic sneeze reflex could reveal important insights on other diseases.

“If we knew one or more genes that cause photic sneeze reflex, I don’t doubt that that might teach us fundamental things about reflex disorders like epilepsy,” he said. “Some of the most important advancements in medicine come from not being focused on medicine at all.”

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 10:58

Ivanka Trump‏Compte certifié @IvankaTrump

Today's discussion with @realDonaldTrump, @VP, @SBALinda & 10 women business owners celebrated their successes as key drivers of our economy
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Discussion aujourd'hui avec @realDonaldTrump, @VP, @SBALinda& 10 femmes chefs d’entreprise ont célébré leurs succès comme principaux moteurs de notre économie


Presidencia México‏Compte certifié @PresidenciaMX 12 hil y a 12 heures

El Presidente @EPN dedica un mensaje con motivo de la Inauguración del #TianguisTurístico México 2017.

yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:07

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22 mars 2017
Infographie : Les femmes dans l’ingénierie

Aujourd’hui, en France, seules 28% des étudiants en école d’ingénieur et 21% des ingénieurs professionnels sont des femmes. D’où viennent ces disparités ? Pourquoi les filles ne s’orientent-elles que très peu vers des études d’ingénieur, alors que l’inégalité des genres n’est presque pas marquée au lycée, dans les filières techniques et scientifique (45% de filles pour 55% de garçons) ?

Spontanément, beaucoup penseront au milieu encore très macho : peu de femmes sont ingénieures, donc peu de femmes veulent devenir ingénieures. C’est un cercle vicieux qui dure depuis plus de 70 ans, et qu’il est grand temps de briser.

Encore aujourd’hui, d’ailleurs, “femme” et “ingénieure” sont des mots que l’on associe plus souvent à de sombres affaires de harcèlement qu’à des histoires de success story. En attestent les derniers scandales qui viennent d’éclater au sein de Uber, supposément laxiste vis-à-vis de la question du harcèlement sexuel.

Alors où en sont exactement les femmes ingénieures ? Quand les a-t-on perdues ? Comment faire pour venir à bout de ces inégalités qui persistent ?

L’infographie ci-après s’est penchée sur ces questions et a tenté d’apporter des pistes de réflexion.


How men and women approach starting a business differently
Pamela Webber
by Pamela Webber

11 days ago 4 min read

Business Inside 99designs

At 99designs, we help entrepreneurs from all over the world get a logo for their newly-launched consulting practice, or a book cover design for that novel they’ve slaved over for years, or a t-shirt design to commemorate the opening of their new gym. In order to help them get their ventures off the ground, we first have to get to know them. We do this through one-on-one conversations, focus groups and surveys.

Recently, we completed a survey of over 500 US-based entrepreneurs. And I have to say this one has some of the most intriguing results I’ve encountered in my marketing career. Specifically, it highlighted several fascinating differences in how men and women approach entrepreneurship. Even more interesting is that this was not the original intent of our research. Our original intent was to better understand how entrepreneurs apply do-it-yourself tactics to get their ventures off the ground. While the “DIY Entrepreneur” path did yield some great insights, they weren’t as compelling as the findings that resulted when we broke the data down along gender lines.

Having worked with founders of both genders and founded an ecommerce startup myself, I thought it’d be worth weighing in on the meaning behind a few of the findings.
differences between men women entrepreneurs infographic
Finding #1: Men are 2x more likely to have raised $100K+ in funding.

blue and pink piggy banks

Among our US respondents, we found 12% of men said they raised more than $100,000 compared to just 5% of female entrepreneurs. $100K is a good amount of money. This is likely not coming from friends and family, but financial institutions that have large amounts of capital to invest. According to TechCrunch, only seven percent of venture capital investment partners are female. And, while this statistic alone does not mean women can’t get funded, it seems likely to me that there are inherent gender biases in these institutions that don’t favor a female entrepreneur.

My theory is supported by a recent conversation I had with Dan Perkins and Don Mazella on The Recalculating Radio Show. Dan, an investment professional with many years of experience, said he consistently saw businesses run by females suffer from under-capitalization. From personal experience, I, too, see women are not keen on asking for financing unless they are confident they can generate the expected returns, which would cause them to shy away from raising large sums of money.
Finding #2: Men are more likely to start their entrepreneurial ventures at a younger age (under 35).

40% of men started their first entrepreneurial venture before the end of their 35th year, while only 33% of women fell into this category. This may not seem like that big of a difference. But, I purport that it is. This is because most entrepreneurs fail. As anyone in Silicon Valley well tell you, it’s OK to fail. BUT, you need to fail fast so that you can try again. By starting their entrepreneurial ventures earlier in life, men have more time to fail, to learn from failure and to start again. This cycle improves the chances of success as the entrepreneur, giving men an edge.

We did not ask the women in our survey why they started their ventures later. But, I would venture to guess that more women start their own business once their children have gone to school. This is when women typically have more time—outside of their obligations to corporate America or full-time motherhood—to dedicate to a passion or a money-making pursuit.
Finding #3: More men think patience is the most important trait of an entrepreneur, whereas more women say it’s networking

priorities of men vs women entrepreneurs

19% of men said patience was a more valued trait whereas only 12% of women said the same thing. Networking was closer, but 22% of female respondents favored networking versus only 19% of men.

Research says that women are more patient than men. Research also shows that women tend to have smaller professional networks than men (according to and McKinsey & Co via the Huffington Post). I think the the reason for the disparity between the genders is that each is seeking to improve one of their perceived areas of weakness. It seems both sexes are attuned to their “weaknesses” and cite “most important traits” they strive to improve upon.

The good news in these findings is the knowledge with which we—and now, you, are now armed. We can use this data to help us identify and understand the gender biases that might affect women starting businesses, and the men and women who support them.
The author
Pamela Webber
Pamela Webber

Pamela Webber is Chief Marketing Officer at 99designs. She is passionate about using data to derive customer insights and to find “aha moments” that impact strategic direction. In addition to her background as a marketer, Pamela brings a host of first-hand experience as an ecommerce entrepreneur. Prior to joining 99designs, she founded weeDECOR, an ecommerce company selling custom wall decals for babies' and kids' rooms, and also worked as an executive marketing consultant for True&Co, a wildly successful ecommerce startup specializing in custom-fitted women’s lingerie. You can follow her on Twitter @pamwebber.

Y'becca est le premier mouvement progressiste Spatial, terrestre et maritimes inspiré du secourisme.
La première égalité de droit est la santé, le travail et la communication
sous le service de bien, de service et de pensée entre l'uniforme
et le civil, les membres actifs de la population globale qui comprends
donc les Actifs, Les Mineurs et les retraités sous tous les aspects de droits
quel que soit la forme juridique de la personne. Oui, je parle de personne,
car si tous les citoyens sont des personnes toutes les personnes ne sont pas
des citoyens... D'ou la lutte contre l'esclavage, les viols et les tortures
qu'elles ou qu'ils soient morales et physiques...

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La chouette effraie

yanis la chouette

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:11

La discrimination homme-femme existe aussi en science
Yann Verdo / Journaliste Le 27/03 à 06:00
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Il arrive que la recherche scientifique se retourne sur elle-même pour s'examiner. C'est ce qu'ont fait des chercheurs français et allemands du CNRS et de l'institut Max-Planck dans le but de savoir si la discrimination de genre existait aussi en science. La réponse, parue dans « eLife », est clairement oui. Les chercheurs ont passé au crible une série de 41.000 publications parues entre 2007 et 2015, ainsi qu'une base de 43.000 examinateurs (afin d'être validé, tout article scientifique doit être approuvé par des chercheurs indépendants ; chaque revue a donc son aréopage d'examinateurs). Cet épluchage de la littérature scientifique leur a permis de constater que les femmes étaient sous-représentées dans tous les domaines, mais aussi et surtout qu'elles étaient moins souvent sollicitées en tant qu'examinatrices que l'on pourrait s'y attendre statistiquement. La raison en est que les éditeurs, le plus souvent des hommes, manifestent une tendance, appelée « homophilie », à sélectionner des examinateurs de leur sexe. Ce comportement est généralisé chez les hommes, puisqu'il concerne plus de 50 % des individus. Notons qu'il existe aussi, mais en proportion plus limitée, chez les femmes (10 % des éditrices fortement homophiles).
Y. V.
@verdoyann Suivre @verdoyann

yanis la chouette

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Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:14

HCL Technologies‏Compte certifié @hcltech 23 hil y a 23 heures

World's most legendary sailing event is ready to #SailWithHCL. Learn more about our partnership with @VolvoOceanRace
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Épreuve de voile plus mythique de mondes est prêt à #SailWithHCL. En savoir plus sur notre partenariat avec @VolvoOceanRace

Grant Thornton‏Compte certifié @GrantThorntonUS 13 hil y a 13 heures

#Finserv report: Banks’ focus on compliance issues can put innovation on the backburner. Don’t let it happen to you>
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#Finserv rapport : se concentrer banques sur les problèmes de conformité peut mettre l’innovation en veilleuse. Ne le laissez pas arriver à vous >

Deloitte Technology‏Compte certifié @DeloitteOnTech
Find out how #telecom companies can target emerging opportunities in the #FutureofMobility.
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Découvrez comment #telecom entreprises peuvent cibler les occasions qui se présentent dans le #FutureofMobility.

There Are Lies, Damn Lies, And Journalism

Posted by Vincent Granville on January 23, 2017 at 8:30pm
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It has become clear over the last few months that mainstream media on both sides are stretching the truth, if not reporting fake stories first published in outlets such as The Onion. The famous picture below (about the number of people attending Trump's inauguration versus Obama 8 years ago) raises interesting questions.

I am not saying that the images are fake, but rather, I point to the kind of questions everyone should ask herself, especially every data scientist, before coming to a conclusion.

Were the pictures taken at the same time, or one of them (or both) is before/after the event
Are these pictures corroborated by images from other sources?
Was it rainy/cold on the picture with fewer people, and if yes, what kind of impact can the weather have on these events?
Did people viewed the event on TV or online more than in the past, thus explaining the lack of visitors in the right picture?
Is there a general decline in the interest for these events, meaning that the next inauguration won't attract more people? Was there also significantly less people 12 or 16 years ago, meaning that Obama 2009 was an exception?
Is "more people" a good thing? Was the 2009 crowd (those present in the picture) more president-friendly back then, or is it the opposite?
What about the statistics of public transportation, flights to DC, hotel room bookings? Are they consistent with a drop in the size of the crowd?
Was it more difficult to attend the event this time due to security reasons?
Is the data corroborated by a survey (done properly) asking random people if they attended the event in 2009, and if they attended the event in 2017? Such a survey should factor in the fact that some who attended the 2009 event are now dead.
Is there a bias in the sense that conservatives are less interested than liberals in attending these events? This is easy to check by comparing with previous elections. Or maybe neither conservatives nor liberals identify with the new president this time.
Are Trump's supporters less numerous in the DC area (compared with Obama), meaning that many would have had to travel long distances and purchase a plane ticket to attend the event? If that is the case, we would see a drop in the crowd in DC, but not a drop in people watching the event on TV or remotely.

It would be easy to dig in most of these questions and get a rather accurate answer, either confirming the veracity of this story, or not. We haven't done the research, but we would be happy to hear from people who did. What is at stake here is not whether or not Trump did get a smaller crowd, but whether we can still trust what we read in the news.

Bottom line: when confronted with data, this is how any data scientist should react - asking legitimate questions - in case there is a doubt regarding the trustworthiness of the source.

The rise of fake news

Just out of curiosity, I did some research to find out how the term "fake news" has become popular recently. The chart below, showing Google queries for "fake news", speaks volumes.

Google trends for the keyword 'fake news'

Click here for an interactive version of this chart. I also believe that data science, using AI (artificial intelligence) techniques to automatically process these news and investigate the context, will be able to identify news that are real, unbiased, and accurate.

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Comment by Ed williams on February 5, 2017 at 4:44am

I would add two more questions:

Is the data given the right data; does it actually measure what is being sought or claimed?
Is the data given all the relevant data that is available; has it had any degree of "cherry picking"?

As we all (should) know, getting the data is often much more difficult that analyzing it. See for the results of those 2 questions in this case.

We must always remember when trying to verify anything where anyone has a personal stake that "half the truth is often a great lie" (Franklin), so we must be especially careful of all sources and every analysis. Further, since most cases of this sort are not set up as rigorous experiments, there will be gaps where assumptions will have to be made, and those too can be the stuff of great lies. So always think through the assumptions made, especially if they are not explicitly stated.

Comment by David McDuffee on January 26, 2017 at 1:49pm

What's interesting to me is the question Vincent Granville didn't deem interesting enough to ask: Do the pictures accurately reflect the number of people in attendance at each event?

Each of the questions he did pose seem slanted toward one goal: explaining away the obvious discrepancy in attendance as due primarily to something other than the relative popularity of the President's being inaugurated.

Instead of answering the series of questions which he confesses he has not sought answers for, let me pose one question which I can answer: Were President Obama's favorable ratings and President Trump's favorable ratings consistent with the different crowd sizes which are obvious in the picture? YES. According to a Gallup poll published the week of the inauguration Trump's pre-inauguration rating was about half what Obama's was.

I concede that there are reputable and less-reputable news sources on all points of the political spectrum, but President Trump has declared war on journalists who are consistently more credible than he is. When a reputable reporter tweets a statement which is not true (e.g., "MLK's bust was removed from the Oval Office") it's corrected as soon as possible. When Donald Trump tweets a statement which is not true (e.g., "I would have won the popular vote, but for millions of illegal votes") it's repeated ad infinitum, and facts be damned.

So when someone says, "Both sides do it," the question everyone should be asking herself is, "Do both sides do it in the same way and to the same degree, or is one side really trying harder to undermine and conceal the truth?"

Comment by Thomas Orth on January 26, 2017 at 11:47am

Of all the possible examples to illustrate the rise in fake news...a photo published by PBS, taken 10 minutes before swear in is a very odd choice. Apart from the most extremist folks, PBS is not seen as a "fake" news organization. Good critical thinking questions follow.

Comment by Alma Ionescu on January 26, 2017 at 10:56am

Do the pictures correlate with a survey showing Trump's pre-inauguration favorables at 40% (historically low) compared to Obama's 78% (highest since 1993 when the poll started)?


Was television also a thing during Obama?


Are the marches against Trump's policies friendly (see question 6)?


In fact, only 570 people moved for the inauguration compared to 3x that number in the march

Actually this last article has a lot of fun facts, including the times when the pics were taken (45 minutes before speech), charts with density areas during Trump vs Obama vs march. The evidence is overwhelming.

Comment by Ben Dutta on January 24, 2017 at 5:57pm

@Vincent, I think you can add one more question to the list - were they dressed in white head to toe making them invisible against the white, grass-cover background? Not entirely off topic, here is a real news article from here in Australia on how data science might have played a part in getting Donald Trump elected.

Comment by Nina Chaichi on January 24, 2017 at 3:02pm

As much as I don't like the approach of mainstream media on most of issues, I have found the title of your article a little bit harsh. If I recall it correctly, both pictures are taken during the speech (allegedly peak time). And, it is obvious that in-person turnout in 2017 is less than 2009, I see no problem in reporting the fact as it is. Though, if your objection is toward the analysis of why in-person turnout is lower, I agree that all your points besides some others needed to be considered before jump into conclusion.

Comment by Douglas A Dame on January 24, 2017 at 1:54pm

The CNN article that put those two pictures side-by-side clearly indicated the provenance of the pictures, including their timing ... the Trump's inauguration photo was taken during his speech, which should have been the peak audience, and time-not-known for the Obama event. There are not going to be many decent (corroborating) overhead shots because of FAA flight restrictions during this event.

Many of the questions or explanations of WHY attendance may have been different are entirely secondary to the main question of WHETHER the crowds were of different sizes, to the extent it is reasonably possible to assess that. (And many of those questions have also been discussed and answered, including the weather, security arrangements, and the political leanings of DC residents.)

Personally I don't attach much practical significance at all to the answer ... counting the votes was important, and we did that ... but the photographic evidence that the crowd sizes at these two events was very different is manifestly clear at face value, and not worth debating as a serious question.

An important part of being an applied data scientist is knowing when to accept the evidence (or not), and move on.

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yanis la chouette

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Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:16

IBM Big Data‏Compte certifié @IBMBigData 14 hil y a 14 heures
How to Decide: #ML and the Science of Choosing, from @dineshnirmalIBM. #IBMML
À l'origine en anglais, traduit par Bing
Comment décider : #ML et la Science des choix, de @dineshnirmalIBM. #IBMML

Dinesh Nirmal
Vice President — Analytics Development, Site Executive IBM Silicon Valley Lab. The opinions expressed are my own and don’t necessarily represent those of IBM.
Mar 20
How to Decide: Machine Learning and the Science of Choosing

“If you choose not to decide, you’ve still made a choice.” - Neil Peart

Decisions can be fatiguing and prone to bias, not just for individuals but for whole organizations. The bigger the decision and the more complex the inputs, the greater the consequences of failure. Consider the vetting of millions of tax returns. Consider an airline that needs to decide when and where to perform maintenance between flights. Or consider an emergency response agency that needs to decide where to distribute disaster services. Examples range across manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and beyond — and in each case, the decision starts with data and ends with action. But what are the steps, and how can machine learning play a role to help decision makers reduce fatigue and bias — and raise confidence?

In a previous post, I talked about the emotional, political, and personal biases that creep into decisions — and offered some thoughts about a decision optimization offering from IBM that helps organizations make more informed decisions by setting constraints, finding bottlenecks, evaluating what-if scenarios, and offering choices. I gave a sense of the flow of inputs and outputs at a high level, but let’s go deeper.

We can think of machine learning as focused on insights — for example, insights that help enable better forecasts. By contrast, decision optimization focuses on actions such as creating specific plans or schedules based on those forecasts.
Predictive vs. Prescriptive

We know that machine learning can offer help for complex, next-best action decisions, whether the decision is about choosing a career, choosing a business strategy, or choosing whether to turn left or right at a point in a journey. But we also know that many difficult choices are really a combination of more than one decision — decisions that involve complex, interdependent trade-offs. For those choices, it’s important to consider how the decisions might affect each other, how they affect the larger goals, and how various rules or constraints limit the range of good decisions.

For example, the airline mentioned above will have access to public data for weather patterns, airport closures, and air traffic activity — in addition to their own private data of engine types, instrumented data, mechanical expertise for maintenance tasks, and staffing.

With good predictive algorithms and enough data, they can anticipate the likelihood of failure of each engine for each plane. That helps them create a preventive maintenance plan for each plane. But what if two planes need to be maintained at a time when only one technician is available? What if two planes are triggered for maintenance on the same critical route? The maintenance planner ends up having to solve the conflict manually — but extrapolate that conflict to a large, international airline with thousands of planes and the manual approach becomes untenable — or at least massively inefficient.

This is where decision optimization can play a role. The airline’s failure predictions become the data input to a decision optimization model that can not only consider multiple predictions simultaneously, but can also factor in customer service, costs, and other trade-offs, as well as availability and skill of maintenance engineers, demand on the airline routes, availability of maintenance facilities — all within a single model. The output is a maintenance schedule for the entire fleet, which can potentially minimize customer disruption and costs, and eliminate manual intervention by the maintenance planner.

A quick aside: I spend most of my time focused on clients whose data lives behind the firewall. These are often industry giants with masses of accumulated data that they’re eager to feed into machine learning algorithms to generate deep knowledge about the organization. Whether it’s transaction records, logs of customer behavior online, healthcare archives, or other proprietary information, taking advantage of that data can be like wielding a secret weapon.

But as the airline example makes clear, tapping that data for predictions isn’t enough. To get to more informed decisions requires prescriptive analytics.
Goals + Predictions + Rules + Data = Decisions

To generate decisions such as plans and schedules, optimization models and optimizer engines consider business goals, and how those goals can be affected by various decisions. For this, the models also take as input predictions, business rules, and other business data required to describe the goals and rules.

Another good example of how predictive and prescriptive technology complement each other is the global tire manufacturer that wanted to gain competitive advantage by eliminating inefficiencies in its production across 10,000 different products. Using predictive technology, the company could anticipate the demand of these 10,000 products across its supply network. This was then used as an input to IBM Decision Optimization, which simultaneously considered up to ten million constraints across all plants and products — and automatically generated a production plan for all products across all locations, highlighting where bottlenecks might occur.

In this example, the decision optimization model also considered the many business goals and rules (also called constraints), such as demand, available resources, costs, yields, production recipes, operational constraints, and customer preferences.

In other words, the optimization engine generates decisions by using one or more mathematical models to combine a machine-learning analysis of the situation at hand and the possible future states (data and predictions) with a set of goals and choice of possible decisions affecting those goals. Optimization can consider millions of choices simultaneously to provide plans and schedules much faster than traditional planning approaches — typically with significant improvements in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Configuring business rules and constraints doesn’t happen automatically and normally requires human intervention, but advances in natural language processing can enable non-experts to build, test, and visualize rules involving, for example, revenue, inventory capacity, schedules, labor limits, or any number of additional business impacts. With machine learning, optimization, and rules engines combined, decision models could get more sophisticated over time by suggesting additional rules or adapting existing rules.

As the figure below suggests, the inputs of an optimization process are a combination of forecasts generated by machine learning technology (such as demand forecasts), other data (such as resource availability, costs, yields, and recipes), and a description of the rules or constraints limiting the decisions (such as capacities or customer preferences), as well as the business goals to optimize (such as costs, revenue, or customer service).

All these factors are input into one or more optimization models, which are analyzed by the optimizer engines. The output from the process is usually a recommended set of actions, plans, or schedules designed to optimize the defined goals.

The optimization process typically happens continuously in an organization, and often in the form of what-if analysis. What if the demand forecast is 10% higher? What if the demand forecast is 10% lower? To go a step further, we advance to technology for optimization under uncertainty, which could answer the what-if questions within a single model. (But that’s the topic of another post.)

This post just scratches the surface of where we think decision optimization is headed over the next months and years. Check back for more posts as we go deeper, and in the meantime, find out more about IBM’s Decision Optimization Center.

Machine LearningBig DataDecision MakingIBM

Go to the profile of Dinesh Nirmal
Dinesh Nirmal

Vice President — Analytics Development, Site Executive IBM Silicon Valley Lab. The opinions expressed are my own and don’t necessarily represent those of IBM.
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yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:18

AustriainBG‏ @AustriainBG 15 mars
Very pleasant visit from graduates of @MFABulgaria Diplomatic Institute at @AustriainBG including waltz dancing course.
À l'origine en anglais, traduit par Bing
Très agréable visite de diplômés de @MFABulgaria Institut diplomatique à @AustriainBG y compris valse danse cours.

Guvernul României‏Compte certifié @guv_ro 24 mars

Alături de alte 70 de instituţii din ţară, ne alăturăm pentru al 4-lea an consecutiv campaniei @earthhour organizată de @WWF_Romania
À l'origine en roumain, traduit par Bing

Avec d’autres institutions dans 70 pays, nous nous associons pour la 4ème année consécutive @earthhour campagne organisée par @WWF_Romania

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:24

SouthSanFranciscoPD‏ @SSFPolice
Badge and Swearing in Ceremony at the South San Francisco Police Department: 2nYY52Q
À l'origine en anglais, traduit par Bing
Badge et assermentation dans le département de Police de South San Francisco : 2nYY52Q
A historic day in the South San Francisco Police Department as we honored the promotion of Police Service Technician Nelson Primo and also welcomed Officer Sean Evans, Officer Brendan Hart, Officer Anthony Pappas, Parking Enforcement Officer Payal Ram, Parking Enforcement Officer Troy Patea, and Records Specialist David Hardley! We thank all those who attended the event.
Une journée historique dans le département de la police du sud de San Francisco, comme nous avons honoré la promotion du technicien de service de la police Nelson Primo et de l'officier Sean Evans, officier Brendan Hart, agent Anthony Pappas, agent de police Payal Ram, agent de police, Troy Patea, et Spécialiste David Hardley ! Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont assisté à l'événement.

NASA JPL‏Compte certifié @NASAJPL
Merger-mania: supermassive #blackhole in a tiny galaxy is shifting ideas about what happens when 2 galaxies become 1
À l'origine en anglais, traduit par Bing
Fusion-mania : supermassive #blackhole dans une petite galaxie se déplace des idées sur ce qui se passe quand les 2 galaxies become 1

A supermassive black hole inside a tiny galaxy is challenging scientists' ideas about what happens when two galaxies become one.

Was 49 is the name of a system consisting of a large disk galaxy, referred to as Was 49a, merging with a much smaller "dwarf" galaxy called Was 49b. The dwarf galaxy rotates within the larger galaxy's disk, about 26,000 light-years from its center. Thanks to NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission, scientists have discovered that the dwarf galaxy is so luminous in high-energy X-rays, it must host a supermassive black hole much larger and more powerful than expected.

"This is a completely unique system and runs contrary to what we understand of galaxy mergers," said Nathan Secrest, lead author of the study and postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.

Data from NuSTAR and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey suggest that the mass of the dwarf galaxy's black hole is huge, compared to similarly sized galaxies, at more than 2 percent of the galaxy's own mass.

"We didn't think that dwarf galaxies hosted supermassive black holes this big," Secrest said. "This black hole could be hundreds of times more massive than what we would expect for a galaxy of this size, depending on how the galaxy evolved in relation to other galaxies."

The dwarf galaxy's black hole is the engine of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), a cosmic phenomenon in which extremely high-energy radiation bursts forth as a black hole devours gas and dust. This particular AGN appears to be covered by a donut-shaped structure made of gas and dust. NASA's Chandra and Swift missions were used to further characterize the X-ray emission.

Normally, when two galaxies start to merge, the larger galaxy's central black hole becomes active, voraciously gobbling gas and dust, and spewing out high-energy X-rays as matter gets converted into energy. That is because, as galaxies approach each other, their gravitational interactions create a torque that funnels gas into the larger galaxy's central black hole. But in this case, the smaller galaxy hosts a more luminous AGN with a more active supermassive black hole, and the larger galaxy's central black hole is relatively quiet.

An optical image of the Was 49 system, compiled using observations from the Discovery Channel Telescope in Happy Jack, Arizona, uses the same color filters as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Since Was 49 is so far away, these colors are optimized to separate highly-ionized gas emission, such as the pink-colored region around the feeding supermassive black hole, from normal starlight, shown in green. This allowed astronomers to more accurately determine the size of the dwarf galaxy that hosts the supermassive black hole.

The pink-colored emission stands out in a new image because of the intense ionizing radiation emanating from the powerful AGN. Buried within this region of intense ionization is a faint collection of stars, believed to be part of the galaxy surrounding the enormous black hole. These striking features lie on the outskirts of the much larger spiral galaxy Was 49a, which appears greenish in the image due to the distance to the galaxy and the optical filters used.

Scientists are still trying to figure out why the supermassive black hole of dwarf galaxy Was 49b is so big. It may have already been large before the merger began, or it may have grown during the very early phase of the merger.

"This study is important because it may give new insight into how supermassive black holes form and grow in such systems," Secrest said. "By examining systems like this, we may find clues as to how our own galaxy's supermassive black hole formed."

In several hundred million years, the black holes of the large and small galaxies will merge into one enormous beast.

NuSTAR is a Small Explorer mission led by Caltech and managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. NuSTAR was developed in partnership with the Danish Technical University and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The spacecraft was built by Orbital Sciences Corp., Dulles, Virginia. NuSTAR's mission operations center is at UC Berkeley, and the official data archive is at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center. ASI provides the mission's ground station and a mirror archive. JPL is managed by Caltech for NASA.

For more information on NuSTAR, visit:

News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:26

Les Bateliers de la Volga (chanson)
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Pour les articles homonymes, voir Les Bateliers de la Volga.
Les Bateliers de la Volga d'Ilia Répine montre un attelage de "bourlaques" (бурлаки) tirant une bolozane.

Les Bateliers de la Volga est une célèbre chanson traditionnelle russe dépeignant la souffrance des basses classes de la Russie impériale. Elle ne concerne pas seulement la Volga (le nom "de la Volga", qui change selon les fleuves, n'est qu'une variante) mais tous les "bourlaques" (russe бурлаки : tireurs d'amarres, exploités comme des bêtes par les patrons-bateliers). Le titre russe est Эй, ухнем ! (Hé, ho hisse) et c'est depuis que Mili Balakirev l'a répertoriée dans sa variante "volguienne" et publiée en 1866 dans son livre de chansons folkloriques, qu'elle a pris ce nom. Ilia Répine s'en est inspiré pour peindre son fameux tableau Les Bateliers de la Volga. Vassili Verechtchaguine a aussi peint l'un d'entre eux dont on ne voit qu'une partie du harnais. Malgré son sort pathétique il nous salue.
Fichier audio
Les Bateliers de la Volga
Эй, ухнем ! interprétée par Fédor Chaliapine
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La chanson a été popularisée par Fédor Chaliapine et est devenue un titre apprécié du répertoire des basses et des chœurs russes.

Igor Stravinski en a fait une orchestration pour vents et batterie en 1917.

Le compositeur espagnol Manuel de Falla en a écrit un arrangement publié en 1922 sous le titre Canto de los remeros del Volga.

En 1941, une interprétation de Glenn Miller a été numéro un aux États-Unis sur la Billboard Best Sellers chart sous le titre Song of the Volga Boatmen.

En 1968, Ivan Rebroff en a fait l'un de ses succès, connu en Allemagne sous le nom de Lied der Wolgaschlepper.

Elle fait partie du répertoire des Chœurs de l'Armée rouge et du Chœur des Cosaques de l'Oural.
Russe Translittération (Selon la norme

ISO 9)
Traduction française

Эй, ухнем!
Эй, ухнем!
Ещё разик, ещё да раз!
Эй, ухнем!
Эй, ухнем!
Ещё разик, ещё да раз!

Разовьём мы берёзу,
Разовьём мы кудряву!
Ай-да, да ай-да,
Aй-да, да ай-да,
Разовьём мы кудряву.

Мы по бережку идём,
Песню солнышку поём.
Ай-да, да ай-да,
Aй-да, да ай-да,
Песню солнышку поём.

Эй, эй, тяни канат сильней!
Песню солнышку поём.
Эй, ухнем!
Эй, ухнем!
Ещё разик, ещё да раз!

Эх ты, Волга, мать-река,
Широка и глубока,
Ай-да, да ай-да,
Aй-да, да ай-да,
Волга, Волга, мать-река

Эй, ухнем!
Эй, ухнем!
Ещё разик, ещё да раз!
Эй, ухнем!
Эй, ухнем!

Èj, uhnem!
Èj, uhnem!
Eŝë razik, eŝë da raz!
Èj, uhnem!
Èj, uhnem!
Eŝë razik, eŝë da raz!

Razov'ëm my berëzu,
Razov'ëm my kudrâvu!
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Razov'ëm my kudrâvu.

My po berežku idëm,
Pesnû solnyšku poëm.
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Pesnû solnyšku poëm.

Èj, èj, tâni kanat sil'nej!
Pesnû solnyšku poëm.
Èj, uhnem!
Èj, uhnem!
Eŝë razik, eŝë da raz!

Èh ty, Volga, mat'-reka,
Široka i gluboka,
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Aj-da, da aj-da,
Volga, Volga, mat'-reka,

Èj, uhnem!
Èj, uhnem!
Eŝë razik, eŝë da raz!
Èj, uhnem!
Èj, uhnem!

Hé, ho hisse !
Hé, ho hisse !
Encore une fois, oui encore une fois.
Hé, ho hisse !
Hé, ho hisse !
Encore une fois, oui encore une fois.

Nous trainons de gros bouleaux,
Nous tirons péniblement.
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Nous trainons de gros bouleaux.

Nous marchons à côté des barges,
Entonnant notre chanson au soleil.
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Entonnant notre chanson au soleil.

Hé, hé, nous halons dur
En chantant notre chanson au soleil
Hé, ho hisse !
Hé, ho hisse !
Encore une fois, oui encore une fois.

Eh toi, Volga, rivière maternelle,
Immense et profonde.
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Ah oui, oui, ah oui !
Volga, Volga, rivière maternelle.

Hé, ho hisse !
Hé, ho hisse !
Encore une fois, oui encore une fois
Hé, ho hisse!
Hé, ho hisse!

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique Empty Re: Election Mexicaine de 2018 ou la Chute du Hollandisme français et macronique

Message par yanis la chouette Mar 28 Mar - 11:45

Benjamin Netanyahu‏Compte certifié @netanyahu 21 hil y a 21 heures
I will be speaking shortly via satellite to AIPAC Policy Conference 2017 in Washington, DC. Watch live:
Je parlerai peu de temps par satellite à l’AIPAC 2017 de conférence politique à Washington, DC. Watch live :


Benjamin Netanyahu‏Compte certifié @netanyahu 26 mars

במהלך ביקורי בסין: 25 חברות ישראליות חתמו על עסקאות בהיקף של כ-2 מיליארד דולר. הנה דברים שאמרתי היום בפתח ישיבת הממשלה >>
À l'origine en hébreu, traduit par Bing
Au cours de visites de Chine : 25 entreprises ont signé des contrats d’une valeur d’environ 2 milliards de dollars. Voici ce que j’ai dit aujourd'hui à l’ouverture de la réunion du gouvernement > >

yanis la chouette

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2017

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